1. Nature communicationsβ-arrestin-2 is an essential regulator of pancreatic β-cell function under physiological and pathophysiological conditions."A21435 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to report that inactivation of the beta-arrestin-2 gene, barr2, in beta-cells greatly impairs insulin release and glucose tolerance in a calorie-rich diet"AuthorsZhu L,Almaça J,Dadi PK,Hong H,Sakamoto W,Rossi M,Lee RJ,Vierra NC,Lu H,Cui Y,McMillin SM,Perry NA,Gurevich VV,Lee A,Kuo B,Leapman RD,Matschinsky FM,Doliba NM,Urs NM,Caron MG,Jacobson DA,Caicedo A,Wess J2. Histochemistry and cell biologyInvolvement of catecholaminergic neurons in motor innervation of striated muscle in the mouse esophagus."A21435 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to find catecholaminergic neuronal elements and determine their relationship to other innervation components in the esophagus"Authorsvan der Keylen P,Garreis F,Steigleder R,Sommer D,Neuhuber WL,Wörl J3. PeptidesHigh fat diet impairs the function of glucagon-like peptide-1 producing L-cells."A21435 was used in flow cytometry to study how glucagon-like peptide-1 production from intestinal L-cells is altered by dietary changes"AuthorsRichards P,Pais R,Habib AM,Brighton CA,Yeo GS,Reimann F,Gribble FM4. Brain structure and functionSelective axonal and glial distribution of monoacylglycerol lipase immunoreactivity in the superficial spinal dorsal horn of rodents."A21435 was used in immunohistochemistry - free floating to examine the distribution and localization of monoacylglycerol lipase"AuthorsDócs K,Hegyi Z,Holló K,Kis G,Hegedűs K,Antal M5. Journal of cell scienceThe kinesin-like protein TOP promotes Aurora localisation and induces mitochondrial, chloroplast and nuclear division.AuthorsYoshida Y,Fujiwara T,Imoto Y,Yoshida M,Ohnuma M,Hirooka S,Misumi O,Kuroiwa H,Kato S,Matsunaga S,Kuroiwa T |