1.Breast cancer research : BCRIntegrin-Rac signalling for mammary epithelial stem cell self-renewal.2.BloodDistinct signaling programs control human hematopoietic stem cell survival and proliferation."48-0495 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the molecular mechanisms by which distinct signalling programs control human hematopoietic stem cell survival and proliferation."AuthorsKnapp DJ,Hammond CA,Aghaeepour N,Miller PH,Pellacani D,Beer PA,Sachs K,Qiao W,Wang W,Humphries RK,Sauvageau G,Zandstra PW,Bendall SC,Nolan GP,Hansen C,Eaves CJ3.OncotargetLlgl1 prevents metaplastic survival driven by epidermal growth factor dependent migration.4.OncotargetYap1 promotes the survival and self-renewal of breast tumor initiating cells via inhibiting Smad3 signaling.5.Nature cell biologyOncogenic mTOR signalling recruits myeloid-derived suppressor cells to promote tumour initiation."48049582 was used in flow cytometry to describe the role of mTOR signalling in recruiting pro-tumorigenic myeloid-derived suppressor cells."AuthorsWelte T,Kim IS,Tian L,Gao X,Wang H,Li J,Holdman XB,Herschkowitz JI,Pond A,Xie G,Kurley S,Nguyen T,Liao L,Dobrolecki LE,Pang L,Mo Q,Edwards DP,Huang S,Xin L,Xu J,Li Y,Lewis MT,Wang T,Westbrook TF,Rosen JM,Zhang XH |