CopyRight® v2.0 BAC Kit w/BamHI and Electro Cells
规格:10 rxns,20 rxns
Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) are important tools for positional cloning, physical mapping, and
genomic sequencing of large DNAs. BAC vectors can maintain inserts of up to 350 kb, utilizing the singlecopy
origin of the E. coli F plasmid. In addition, these vectors are extremely useful for cloning smaller
unstable and recalcitrant DNAs (10-20 kb), which appear to be more stable at lower copy number.The Lucigen CopyRight v2.0 BAC Cloning System introduces the ultimate in BAC vector design. Most singlecopy
vectors yield small amounts of DNA and are prone to transcription error and instability. The unique
design of the CopyRight vector reduces or eliminates transcription both into and out of the insert DNA,
reducing the cloning bias commonly found with standard plasmids. The CopyRight vector also completely
eliminates uncut vector background without the risk of clone loss. CopyRight kits further feature “on
command” amplification of vector and copy number, increasing yield to as many as 50 copies per cell. The
combination of inducible copy number amplification and the Lucigen patented transcription-free cloning
technology provides maximum stability of otherwise unclonable sequences. When used with BAC-Optimized
Replicator v2.0 Electrocompetent Cells, hundreds or thousands of recombinant clones can be routinely
obtained per transformation. |
优点: |
▪ Efficiently clone any size insert up to 200 kb, with no background;▪ Stabilize toxic or difficult inserts with CloneSmart® technology▪ Clone gene clusters or whole operons |
数据: |
Figure 1. CopyRight vector pSMART BAC.ori2,repE,IncC - single-copy origin of replication;oriV - inducible origin of replication;parA,B,C - partition genes; Cm^r - chloramphenicol-resistance gene;cosN - lambda packaging signal; T - CloneSmart transcription terminators;sacB -sucrase gene. Approximate positions of sequencing primers and transcription terminators are indicated. Figure 2.ArabidopsisRandom Shear BAC Library in the pSMART BAC vector.7,680 clones were obtained with an average insert size of 105 kb and ~5X genome coverage. |
相关产品: |
▪BAC-Optimized Replicator v2.0 Electrocompetent Cells(货号#60210) |
技术参数 产品优点 - Efficiently clone any size insert up to 200 kb, with no background - Stabilize toxic or difficult inserts with CloneSmart® technology - Clone gene clusters or whole operons - Create libraries from A/T- or G/C-rich genomes - Induce BAC copy numbers for higher-yield DNA preps
产品应用 - High efficiency cloning and library construction for your largest inserts
组成成分 - CopyRight Vector (25 ng/µL, ligation-ready) pSMART BAC BamHI - CopyRight 5X Ligation Buffer - CopyRight DNA Ligase (1 U/µL) - Positive Control Insert DNA lambda BamHI or HindIII or HpaI (80 ng/µL) - Sequencing Primers (200 reactions each) SL1 (3.2 pmol/µL) SR4 (3.2 pmol/µL)
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