NxSeq® HT Dual Indexing Kit/NxSeq® HT双端插入引物试剂盒

admin 2024-10-17 26

NxSeq® HT Dual Indexing Kit/NxSeq® HT双端插入引物试剂盒


规格:96 rxn




The NxSeq® UltraLow DNA Library Kit, 96 Reactions supplies the buffers and enzymes needed to make high efficiency DNA fragment libraries for whole genome next generation sequencing on Illumina sequencers. This kit is optimized for the production of DNA fragment libraries starting with 50 pg to 75 ng of sheared/fragmented DNA. This kit may be used in other applications such as FFPE, ChIP and exome sequencing where PCR amplified libraries are required, but it has not been tested extensively in these applications. Please note that the number of PCR cycles required for amplification is dependenton the starting amount of the sheared, input DNA. Also, the number of observed PCR duplicates sequenced is dependent on sample complexity, number of multiplexed samples, and the model of Illumina sequencer used. NxSeq®UltraLow DNA文库试剂盒,96个反应提供了为Illumina测序仪上的全基因组二代测序生产高效DNA片段文库所需的缓冲液和酶。 该试剂盒针对从50 pg到75 ng剪切/片段化DNA的DNA片段文库的生产进行了优化。 该试剂盒可用于需要PCR扩增文库的其他应用,例如FFPE,ChIP和外显子组测序,但尚未在这些应用中进行广泛的测试。 请注意,扩增所需的PCR循环数取决于剪切的起始DNA的起始量。 同样,观察到的PCR重复序列的数量取决于样品的复杂性,多重样品的数量以及所使用的Illumina测序仪的模型。This User Manual couples the NxSeq® UltraLow DNA Library Kit, 96 Reactions with the NxSeq® HT Dual Indexing Kit for high throughput sequencing experiments, and the protocol is optimized for library construction in 96-well plates. For lower throughput sequencing experiments, we recommend using the NxSeq® UltraLow DNA Library Kit, 12 Reactions (Cat. No. 15012-1) with the NxSeq® Single Indexing Kits (Cat. No. 15100-1, 15200-1). If you prefer to use NxSeq® HT Dual Indexing Kit with the NxSeq® UltraLow DNA Library Kit, 12 Reactions, please follow the amplification protocol outlined in this manual and adapt it to the single tube reaction format in the NxSeq® UltraLow DNA Library Kit, 12 Reactions User Manual (MA166). 本用户手册将NxSeq®UltraLow DNA文库试剂盒与96次反应与NxSeq®HT Dual Indexing Kit结合使用,可进行高通量测序实验,并且该协议针对96孔板中的文库构建进行了优化。 对于低通量测序实验,我们建议使用NxSeq®UltraLow DNA Library Kit和NxSeq®Single Indexing Kits(货号15100-1、15200-1)进行12个反应(货号15012-1)。 如果您想将NxSeq®HT Dual Indexing Kit与NxSeq®UltraLow DNA Library Kit一起使用,进行12个反应,请遵循本手册中概述的扩增方案,并使其适应NxSeq®UltraLow DNA Library Kit中的单管反应形式, 12反应用户手册(MA166)。
▪Formatted for High Throughput:Provides sufficient overfill of each reagent to enable automated or manual multi-channel pipet-based 96-well plate library construction;▪ Easy-to-use:Two color dual indexing primer sets facilitate visual verification of correct primer dispensing;▪ High Value:Cost-effective library and indexing kits that produce excellent sequencing results.▪ 流程化以实现高通量:提供每种试剂足够的使用,以实现基于自动或手动多通道移液器的96孔板文库的构建▪ 易于使用:两种颜色的双端引物组,方便目测验证正确的引物分配▪ 高价值:经济高效的文库和引物试剂盒,可产生出色的测序结果

Figure 1. Mechanics of NxSeq® UltraLow Kit library construction using dual indexing primers.This figure illustrates how DNA fragment libraries are constructed using the NxSeq® UltraLow Library Prep Kit and the NxSeq® HT Dual Indexing Kit. Each final library fragment has a 500 Series Index at one end and a 700 Series Index at the other end. Note that some PCR fragments and products are not shown to simplify the illustration图1.使用双index引物的NxSeq®UltraLow Kit文库构建机理。 该图说明了如何使用NxSeq®UltraLow Library Prep Kit和NxSeq®HT Dual Indexing Kit构建DNA片段文库。 每个最终的库片段在一端具有500系列index,在另一端具有700系列index。 注意,为了简化图示,未显示一些PCR片段和产物。

Figure 2. 96-well PCR plate dual index primer dispensing protocol.The 700 Series Indexing Primers contain an inert blue dye and the 500 Series Indexing Primers contain an inert yellow/orange dye. The 700 Series Primers are dispensed first, row by row. As primers are dispensed, the rows become blue. The 500 Series Primers are then dispensed column by column, and as they are added the well color changes from blue to green (blue + yellow = green). After dispensing is complete, all wells should exhibit a consistent green color. The presence of clear, yellow/orange or blue wells indicates that those wells did not get the appropriate 700 and/or 500 Series Primers.图2. 96孔PCR板双index引物分配方案。 700系列index引物包含惰性蓝色染料,而500系列index引物包含惰性黄色/橙色染料。 首先逐行分配700系列index引物。 分配引物时,行变成蓝色。 然后逐列分配500系列index引物,并在添加时将孔颜色从蓝色变为绿色(蓝色+黄色=绿色)。 分配完成后,所有孔应显示一致的绿色。 透明,黄色/橙色或蓝色的孔的存在表明这些孔未获得适当的700和/或500系列引物。
▪NxSeq® UltraLow DNA Library Kit, 96 Reactions(货号#15096-1)


产品优点 - Formatted for High Throughput: Provides sufficient overfill of each reagent to enable automated or manual multi-channel pipet-based 96-well plate library construction - Easy-to-use: Two color dual indexing primer sets facilitate visual verification of correct primer dispensing - High Value: Cost-effective library and indexing kits that produce excellent sequencing results- 流程化以实现高通量:提供每种试剂足够的使用,以实现基于自动或手动多通道移液器的96孔板文库的构建- 易于使用:两种颜色的双端引物组,方便目测验证正确的引物分配- 高价值:经济高效的文库和引物试剂盒,可产生出色的测序结果

产品应用 - High-throughput optimized, dual-indexed DNA fragment library prep for Illumina sequencers - 针对Illumina测序仪的高通量优化双引物DNA片段文库制备物

组成成分 The NxSeq® HT Dual Indexing Kit contains a Universal Adaptor, Adaptor Dilution Buffer and Indexing Primers 701 – 712, and 501 – 508. There is enough of each reagent in this kit to generate 96 different dual indexed libraries. Each NxSeq® HT Dual Index equals the TruSeq® HT Index with the same number.NxSeq®HT双端index引物试剂盒包含通用接头,接头稀释缓冲液和index引物701 – 712和501 –508。该试剂盒中的每种试剂足以生成96个不同的双index引物文库。 每个NxSeq®HT双重指数等于具有相同编号的TruSeq®HT指数。

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