CopyCutter™ Induction Solution/CopyCutter™诱导试剂


CopyCutter™ Induction Solution/CopyCutter™诱导试剂


规格:25 mL




CopyCutter™ EPI400™ Electrocompetent and Chemically Competent E. coli cells were developed to significantly lower the copy number of a wide variety of common vectors so that you can more readily clone unstable DNA sequences. Moreover, following a short incubation in the presence of the CopyCutter Induction Solution, you can subsequently raise copy number to improve plasmid yields without compromising stability. CopyCutter™EPI400™电感受态和化学感受态大肠杆菌细胞的开发可显着降低各种常见载体的拷贝数,因此您可以更轻松地克隆不稳定的DNA序列。此外,在存在CopyCutter诱导溶液的情况下进行短暂孵育后,您可以随后增加拷贝数以提高质粒产量,而不会影响稳定性。

The CopyCutter EPI400 cell line was derived from our high-transformation efficiency phage T1-resistant TransforMax™ EC100™ E. coli strain by manipulating a gene that controls the copy number of vectors containing ColE1 or pMB1 origins of replication (e.g., pUC and pET type vectors). This constitutively expressed gene, pcnB (plasmid copy number), was deleted from the TransforMax EC100 strain and replaced with a modified pcnB gene linked to an inducible promoter, creating the CopyCutter EPI400 strain.

通过控制含有ColE1或pMB1复制起点(例如pUC和pET类型)的载体的拷贝数的基因,CopyCutter EPI400细胞系源自我们的高转化效率噬菌体T1抗性TransforMax™EC100™大肠杆菌菌株向量)。TransforMax EC100菌株中删除了这个组成性表达的基因pcnB(质粒拷贝数),并用与诱导型启动子连接的修饰的pcnB基因代替,从而创建了CopyCutter EPI400菌株。

▪ High transformation efficiency with clones of all sizes. ▪ Supports blue/white screening of vectors. ▪ Restriction minus [mcrA ∆(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC)] for efficient cloning of methylated DNA. ▪ Endonuclease minus (endA1) to ensure high yields of plasmid clones. ▪ Recombination minus (recA1) to ensure the stability of large cloned inserts.


产品优点 - High transformation efficiency with clones of all sizes. - Supports blue/white screening of vectors. - Restriction minus [mcrA ∆(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC)] for efficient cloning of methylated DNA. - Endonuclease minus (endA1) to ensure high yields of plasmid clones. - Recombination minus (recA1) to ensure the stability of large cloned inserts.

产品应用 - Stabilize toxic inserts in common cloning and expression vectors (pUC and pET-type vectors) - Clone and maintain challenging sequences at reduced plasmid copy number, then induce to high copy number for DNA recovery - Avoid T1 and T5 phage contamination with tonA mutation - Choose chemically competent cells for general cloning or electrocompetent cells for demanding applications such as library generation

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