Collagen I, High Concentration, Rat Tail
Collagen I HC, rat tail, 100 mg, is supplied as a liquid in 0.02N Acetic acid with a concentration range of 8-11 mg/ml. The product has been tested for its ability to promote the attachment and spreading of HT 1080 Human Fibrosarcoma cells. 1/pack, formerly Cat. #40040. These collagens have been used to culture a variety of cell types to promote adhesion, growth, and/or differentiation.FormulationCollagen I HC, rat tail - 0.02N in Acetic AcidConcentration range 8-11 mg/mlSourceRat tail tendonQualityPurity > 90% by SDS-PAGETested for its ability to promote the attachment and spreading of HT 1080 Human Fibrosarcoma cells.Found negative for the presence of bacteria, fungi and mycoplasma.Forms a firm gel up to a concentration of 0.3 mg/ml. Further dilution may decrease the rigidity of the gel as will the time from manufacture.Preparation and StorageStable for a minimum of 3 months from day of shipment when stored at 2° to 8°C. Do not freeze.HandlingRat Tail Collagen HC is used as a three dimensional gel and will form a firm gel up to a concentration of 0.3 mg/ml. Gelling procedures included with product.I 型胶原是组织和器官中最常见的胶原蛋白,在皮肤、肌腱和骨骼中含量丰富。I型胶原能促进细胞的贴壁和增殖,特异性形态和功能的表达,常用于内皮细胞、肝细胞、肌细胞等的培养。来源:大鼠尾腱使用指南:根据细胞类型不同,推荐浓度5-10μg/cm
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