Fluorescein-C3 Synthesis Column; 1000 Å
规格:1 µmol,200 nmol
品牌:LGC Biosearch Technologies
This synthesis column, packed with Fluorescein-C3-CPG, is specifically suited for preparation of fluorescently labeled oligonucleotides. A dipivaloyl-5-carboxyfluorescein moiety is conjugated to CPG via a succinate linkage. Our DMT-O-C3-(Dipivaloyl-5-carboxyfluorescein)-Suc-CPG allows for the introduction of a fluorescein reporter onto the 3' terminus of the oligonucleotide. |
特性: |
▪ Chemical Name: O-DMT-N-Fluorescein-3-aminopropan-1,2-diol-Suc-CPG; 500 Å ▪ Appearance:white powder▪ Absorption Maximum (Lambda Max):495▪ Fluorescence Maximum:520 |
产品用途: |
Synthesis conditions:Follow the instrument manufacturer's protocol when using this product.Cleavage conditions:This support may be cleaved using concentrated NH4OH or t-butylamine/H2O(1:3) (TAMRA and other rhodamine-based dyes require deprotection with t-butylamine).Deprotection conditions:When using fast deprotecting amidites (eg. C-Ac, G-DMF) use concentrated ammonia for 1 hour at 60°C. When using standard amidites (eg. C-Bz, G-iBu) use concentrated ammonia for 4 hours. If using base sensitve fluorophores such as Tamra use t-butylamine/water (1:3) for 6 hours at 60 °C. Image of cleaved and deprotected structure: The mass this product adds after conjugation and work-up (the additional mass seen by mass spectrometry) is:511.37 |
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