5’-DMT-T(C6 Amino)-Succinate Synthesis Column (5'-DMT-T(Hexyl-NH-TFA)-Suc-CPG); 500 Å
规格:1 µmol,200 nmol,50 nmol
品牌:LGC Biosearch Technologies
This column is packed with 5’-DMT-T(C6 Amino)-Suc-CPG, an amino modifier C6 dT CPG that incorporates a functionalized primary amine on the 3’ terminus of the target oligonucleotide. This amino modifier is based on a thymidine residue; when incorporated, it allows for standard hybridization characteristics such as normal melting temperatures. The amine group is attached via a ten atom linker to the modified T residue and is protected with a trifluoroacetyl (TFA) protecting group, which comes off during normal deprotection. |
特性: |
▪ Chemical Name: 5’-DMT-T(C6 Amino)-Suc-CPG (5'-DMT-T(Hexyl-NH-TFA)-Suc-CPG); 500 Å ▪ Appearance:White Powder▪ Extinction Coefficient at 260 nm:8400 |
产品用途: |
Cleavage conditions:Before cleavage and deprotection treat the oligo attached to the support with 10% DEA (diethylamine) in MeCN for 5-10 minutes to avoid acrylonitrile addition to the amine during cleavage and deprotection. After treatment rinse the support with MeCN, then continue to deprotect and cleave.
Use concentrated ammonia for 90 minutes at 25 °C when using standard amidites or 1:1 ammonia:methylamine (AMA) for 25 minutes at 25 °C when using fast deprotecting amidites.Deprotection conditions:When using fast deprotecting amidites (eg. C-Ac, G-DMF, G-PAC) use concentrated ammonia for 1 hour or AMA for 30 minutes at 60 °C. When using standard amidites (eg. C-Bz, G-iBu) use concentrated ammonia for 5 hours at 60 °C.The 10% DEA (diethylamine) in MeCN treatment of the oligo while still on support removes the acrylonitrile that is produced from the beta elimination of the cyanoethyl groups during deprotection. The acrylonitrile can attach to the amine generated after the removal of the TFA group during the cleavage and deprotection cycle. A +53 adduct will be seen on the mass spec of the oligo if acrylonitrile addition has occurred. Image of cleaved and deprotected structure: The mass this product adds after conjugation and work-up (the additional mass seen by mass spectrometry) is:458.4 |
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