Quasar 670 CPG Synthesis Column; 500 Å
规格:1 µmol,200 nmol,50 nmol
品牌:LGC Biosearch Technologies
Quasar® 670 is a fluorescent indocarbocyanine, which fluoresces in the red region of the visible spectrum. Quasar 670 CPG can be substituted for Cy™5 CPG. Biosearch Technologies has developed a DMT protected Quasar 670 3'-Glycolate support which is specifically suited for the preparation of single or dual labeled Fluorescent Energy Transfer probes. This synthesis column, packed with Quasar 670 CPG support, allows for the introduction of a Quasar 670 moiety onto the 3'-terminus of the oligonucleotide. The Quasar 670 moiety is linked to 500 Å CPG via a glycolate spacer. |
特性: |
▪ Appearance:blue powder▪ Absorption Maximum (Lambda Max):644▪ Extinction Coefficient at Lambda max:187000▪ Extinction Coefficient at 260 nm:2800▪ Fluorescence Maximum:670 |
产品用途: |
Synthesis conditions:Follow the instrument manufacturer's protocol, with noted changes, when using this product.Cleavage conditions:Use concentrated ammonia for 45 minutes at 25 °C.Deprotection conditions:When using fast deprotecting amidites (eg. C-Ac, G-DMF, G-PAC) use concentrated NH4OH for 5 hours at 25 °C. When using standard amidites (eg. C-Bz, G-iBu) deprotect in concentrated NH4OH for 12 hours at room temperature. Some degradation may occur.- Dye conjugates are light sensitive and must be protected from unnecessary exposure.
Image of cleaved and deprotected structure: The mass this product adds after conjugation and work-up (the additional mass seen by mass spectrometry) is:632.74 |
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