CD1a Monoclonal Antibody (HI149), FITC, eBioscience™

admin 2024-10-18 16

CD1a Monoclonal Antibody (HI149), FITC, eBioscience™


规格:25 tests,100 tests



品牌:Thermo Fisher






抗体类型:流式抗体同型对照:Mouse IgG1 kappa Isotype Control (P3., FITC, eBioscience™
浓度: 5 µL/Test用法:5 µL (0.5 µg)/test (Flow)
产品详细信息Description: The HI149 monoclonal antibody reacts with human CD1a, a 49 kDa protein expressed by cortical thymocytes and dendritic cells including Langerhans cells. The CD1 family of proteins share some structural and functional characteristics with the MHC class I molecules; however, members of the CD1 family are not polymorphic. Similar to MHC class I, CD1a associates with the beta2-microglobulin and is thought to play a role in antigen presentation.Applications Reported: The HI149 antibody has been reported for use in flow cytometric analysis.Applications Tested: This HI149 antibody has been pre-titrated and tested by flow cytometric analysis of MOLT-4 cells. This can be used at 5 µL (0.5 µg) per test. A test is defined as the amount (µg) of antibody that will stain a cell sample in a final volume of 100 µL. Cell number should be determined empirically but can range from 10^5 to 10^8 cells/test.Excitation: 488 nm; Emission: 520 nm; Laser: Blue Laser.Filtration: 0.2 µm post-manufacturing filtered. 靶标信息CD1a is a non-polymorphic MHC Class 1 related cell surface glycoprotein, expressed in association with Beta 2 microglobulin. CD1a is expressed by cortical thymocytes, Langerhan's cells and by interdigitating cells. CD1a is also expressed by some malignancies of T cell lineage and in histiocytosis X. CD1a is expressed on cortical thymocytes, epidermal Langerhans cells, dendritic cells, on certain T-cell leukemias, and in various other tissues. CD1a is structurally related to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins and form heterodimers with beta-2-microglobulin. The CD1 proteins mediate the presentation of primarily lipid and glycolipid antigens of self or microbial origin to T cells. The human genome contains five CD1 family genes organized in a cluster on chromosome 1. The CD1 family members are thought to differ in their cellular localization and specificity for particular lipid ligands. CD1a localizes to the plasma membrane and recycles vesicles of the early endocytic system. At least five CD1 genes (CD1a, b, c, d, and e) are identified. Alternatively spliced transcript variants of CD1a have been observed, but their biological validity have not been determined.

CD1a Antibody (11-0019-41) in FlowStaining of MOLT-4 with Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control FITC (Product # 11-4714-42) (blue histogram) or Anti-Human CD1a FITC (purple histogram). Total viable cells, as determined by Fixable Viability Dye eFluor® 660, were used for analysis.
▪ 流抗抗体
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Dendritic cell profile induced by Schistosoma mansoni antigen in cutaneous leishmaniasis patients.

4.Nature immunology MicroRNAs modulate the noncanonical transcription factor NF-kappaB pathway by regulating expression of the kinase IKKalpha during macrophage differentiation.5.The Journal of clinical investigation An adventitial IL-6/MCP1 amplification loop accelerates macrophage-mediated vascular inflammation leading to aortic dissection in mice.6.Journal of leukocyte biology CCL11 blocks IL-4 and GM-CSF signaling in hematopoietic cells and hinders dendritic cell differentiation via suppressor of cytokine signaling expression.

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