BupH™ Tris-Glycine Buffer Packs


BupH™ Tris-Glycine Buffer Packs


规格:40 packs



品牌:Thermo Fisher

Thermo Scientific BupH Tris-Glycine Transfer Buffer Packs are pouches of dry-blend powder that are each sufficient to make 500 mL of standard transfer buffer for wet or semi-dry electrophoretic protein transfer from gel to blotting membrane.Applications:• Running buffer for gel-to-membrane electrophoretic transferBupH Dry-Blend Packs of Tris-glycine buffer are easy to use. Simply empty contents of one foil envelope pack into a beaker, add ultrapure water and stir to dissolve. The packs eliminate weighing time and tedious pH adjustments. When dissolved in 400 mL of water and 100 mL methanol, makes 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, pH 8.
• Tris-glycine buffer—dissolved in 400 mL of water and 100 mL methanol, makes 25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, pH 8• Convenient—dissolve contents of one envelope in water and the buffer is ready to use• Save time and trouble—no weighing, no pH adjustment, no need to stock individual components, and no need to make and store large volumes of stock solution in advance of daily needs• Long shelf life—stocking and storage as dry packs eliminates concerns about long-term stability of stock solutions• Eliminate variables—our quality control ensures that every pack will yield the same, consistent buffer
Store in original container protected from direct sunlight in a dry, cool and well-ventilated area, between the following temperatures: 20 to 25°C.

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