Phire Plant Direct PCR Kit (without sampling tools)

admin 2024-10-18 17

Phire Plant Direct PCR Kit (without sampling tools)




产品类型:PCR 及DNA聚合酶

品牌:Thermo Fisher

描述Thermo Scientific Phire Plant Direct PCR Kit is designed to amplify DNA directly from plant samples. No DNA purification is required prior to PCR. The kit is based on Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase, a specially engineered enzyme with a DNA binding domain. The unique features of this DNA polymerase make it extremely robust and tolerant of many PCR inhibitors present in plant, fungi and bacteria.The kit includes a complete set of optimized PCR reagents as well as detailed protocols for different sample types, making it an ideal choice for amplification of plant DNA. In addition, the kit includes control primers for positive control reactions.The Control Primers amplify a highly conserved region of chloroplast DNA and are universal for many plant species.Highlights• No need for time-consuming and expensive DNA purification steps• Very little sample material required• Two simple protocols for various applications•Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymeraseprovides high yields of specific product with short extension time (20 s/kb).Applications• Genotyping• Transgene detectionThe optimal annealing temperature for Phire DNA Polymerase may differ significantly from that ofTaq-based polymerases.For optimal results start by accurately calculating your Tm with ourTm calculator.Phire Plant Direct PCR Kit allows efficient PCR from various plant leaves and seedsVarious amplicons from mitochondrial or genomic DNA were succesfully amplified with Phire Plant Direct PCR Kit. 0.50mm punches from different leaves were placed directly into 50µL PCR reactions. Various amplicons from mitochondrial or genomic DNA were successfully amplified with the Phire Plant Direct PCR Kit. + and - denote control reactions with or without purified DNA.1 – Arabidopsis, mtDNA (1kb)2 – Arabidopsis, gDNA (3.5kb)3 – Capsicum, mtDNA (1.4kb)4 – Maize, mtDNA (1.4kb)Detection of RNAi vector in gerbera plants using Phire Plant Direct PCR KitPunches (0.50mm) from plant leaves or petal tissues were placed directly in 20µL PCR reactions. 210bp products were amplified using transgene specific primers. The results indicate that plant individuals corresponding to samples 2, 4, 7, 9, and 11 contain the RNAi transgene. The obtained results were confirmed by conventional analysis of CTAB DNA extraction followed by PCR. 1 through 9 – Leaves. 10 through 12 – Petals.

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