CpG Methylated Jurkat Genomic DNA
规格:15 µg
品牌:Thermo Fisher
Thermo Scientific CpG Methylated Jurkat Genomic DNA is human male genomic DNA from Jurkat cells, enzymatically methylated with CpG Methyltransferase (M.SssI). Genomic DNA was isolated from Jurkat (human acute T-cell leukemia) cells grown to confluency in RPMI media supplemented with 10% bovine fetal serum. Isolated genomic DNA was treated with CpG Methyltransferase, repurified, and dissolved in TE buffer. ≥ 98% CpG methylation level confirmed by bisulfite sequencing. |
优点: |
- Pure – DNA free from inhibitors, proteins, and RNA- Convenient – ready to use 100 ng/µL concentration- Compatible with downstream applications- Complete methylation of cytosines in CpG dinucleotides |
相关产品: |
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技术参数 产品应用 As controls in the following:
• Bisulfite sequencing
• Combined Bisulfite Restriction Analysis (COBRA)
• Methylation-sensitive Single-Nucleotide Primer Extension (Ms-SNuPE)
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