Mouse anti Guinea Fowl Bu-1a/b antibody, clone BoA1

admin 2024-10-21 13

Mouse anti Guinea Fowl Bu-1a/b antibody, clone BoA1


规格:0.1 mg




抗原:Fowl Bu-1a/b






Mouse anti Guinea Fowl Bu-1a/b antibody, clone BoA1recognizes the avian bursal cell antigen, Bu-1a/b. Bu-1a/b, also known as chB6, is a type 1 transmembrane protein.Bu-1 is a product of two alleles, Bu-1a (chB6.1) and Bu-1b (chB6.2).Mouse anti Guinea Fowl Bu-1a/b antibody, clone BoA1 recognizes both of these alleles. The Bu-1 antigen is expressed by chicken B-cells throughout most of their development and by a subset of monocytes and macrophages (Igyártóet al.2008) but is absent from erythrocytes, granulocytes and thrombocytes. As such the Mouse anti Guinea Fowl Bu-1a/b antibody, clone BoA1 provides a useful marker of avian B-cells.Clone BoA1 is unique in that while other antibodies generated against the Bu-1a/b antigen are restricted in their species reactivity, clone BoA1 recognizes a conserved epitope of the Bu-1a/b antigen in both domestic and wild phasianid speciesIn addition to Mouse anti Guinea Fowl Bu-1a/b antibody, clone BoA1, clone AV20 (MCA5764) which is specific to chicken Bu1-a/b and clone L22 (MCA2170F) which recognizes the Bu-1a but not the Bu-1b allele in chicken and quail, are also available.
Target SpeciesGuinea Fowl
Product FormPurified IgG - liquid
PreparationPurified IgG prepared by affinity chromatography on Protein A from tissue culture supernatant
Buffer SolutionPhosphate buffered saline
ImmunogenBursal cell suspension from guinea fowl (Numida melagris).
Fusion PartnersSpleen cells from immunized Balb/c mice were fused with cells of the Sp2/0-Ag14 myeloma cell line.
Preservative Stabilisers0.1% Sodium Azide (NaN3)0.1% Bovine Serum Albumin
Approx. Protein ConcentrationsIgG concentration 0.5 mg/ml
RegulatoryFor research purposes only
Guarantee12 months from date of despatch
This product is shipped at ambient temperature. It is recommended to aliquot and store at -20°C on receipt. When thawed, aliquot the sample as needed. Keep aliquots at 2-8°C for short term use (up to 4 weeks) and store the remaining aliquots at -20°C.Avoid repeated freezing and thawing as this may denature the antibody. Storage in frost-free freezers is not recommended.
Application NameVerifiedMin DilutionMax Dilution
Immunohistology - Frozen
This product has been reported to work in the following applications. This information is derived from testing within our laboratories, peer-reviewed publications or personal communications from the originators. Please refer to references indicated for further information. For general protocol recommendations, please visit theantibody protocolspage.Where this antibody has not been tested for use in a particular technique this does not necessarily exclude its use in such procedures. Suggested working dilutions are given as a guide only. It is recommended that the user titrates the antibody for use in their own system using appropriate negative/positive controls.
DescriptionProduct CodeApplicationsPack Size
Goat anti Mouse IgG (H/L):Alk. Phos. (Multi Species Adsorbed)STAR117AF0.5mg
1.Igyártó, al.(2008) Identification of the avian B-cell-specific Bu-1 alloantigen by a novel monoclonal antibody.Poult Sci. 87 (2): 351-5.2.Nagy, al.(2009) Endothelial cells promote migration and proliferation of enteric neural crest cells via beta1 integrin signaling.Dev Biol. 330 (2): 263-72.3.Nagy, N. & Oláh, I. (2010) Experimental evidence for the ectodermal origin of the epithelial anlage of the chicken bursa of Fabricius.Development. 137 (18): 3019-23.4.Nagy, al.(2016) Avian dendritic cells: Phenotype and ontogeny in lymphoid organs.Dev Comp Immunol. 58: 47-59.


产品应用 WB;IP

产品类型 Monoclonal Antibody

推荐用于 WB;IP

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