ClonaCell™-HY Medium A/骨髓瘤生长培养基


ClonaCell™-HY Medium A/骨髓瘤生长培养基


规格:500 mL



品牌:STEMCELL Technologies

ClonaCell™-HY Medium A is a serum-containing liquid medium formulated for the growth and expansion of parental myeloma cells prior to fusion and for the growth of stable hybridoma clones post-selection. This medium has been verified for use during mouse and rat hybridoma development and reportedly is compatible for production of hybridomas using lymphocytes from a variety of host animals including human, mouse, rat, and hamster.


- HAT selection and cloning of hybridomas are performed in one step, minimizing both the time and the materials required.

- Fewer manipulations are required; therefore the possibility of culture contamination is greatly reduced

- Large numbers of hybridomas can be selected and tested. More than a thousand clones can be grown in ten 100 mm petri dishes in a single step.

- Growth conditions have been optimized to give high plating efficiency ensuring maximum hybridoma yield. 

- Direct cloning prevents the overgrowth of potentially valuable slow-growing clones. 

- Hybridoma colonies are monoclonal from the start, so recloning is not necessary. 

- Plating of the initial fusion mixture and simultaneous cloning are performed in minutes vs. hours when using methods involving suspension cultures and limiting dilutions. 

- ClonaCell®-HY minimizes the number of clones to be screened for antibody secretion because all daughter cells are found in the same colony. 

- Estimated savings of 11 - 26 days and 30 - 50% of technician’s work hours.


• DMEM • Pre-selected serum • Gentamicin • 2-Mercaptoethanol • Phenol red • L-Glutamine and other supplements • Other ingredients


▪ClonaCell™-HY Hybridoma Kit(货号 #03800)

▪ClonaCell™-HY Medium D(货号 #03804)

▪ClonaCell™-HY Medium E(货号 #03805)

▪ ClonaCell™-HY Medium B(货号# 03802)


产品应用 生成杂交瘤, 制备细胞系

产品类型 杂交瘤的产生和转染细胞的挑选

推荐用于 融合前骨髓瘤生长培养基。

组成成分 预筛选血清庆大霉素添加物

细胞类型 杂交瘤

产品线 ClonaCell™

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