规格:4,000 units 20,000 units/ml
High Fidelity (HF®) Restriction Enzymes have 100% activity in CutSmart™ Buffer; single-buffer simplicity means more straightforward and streamlined sample processing. HF enzymes also exhibit dramatically reduced star activity. HF enzymes are all Time-Saver™ qualified and can therefore cut substrate DNA in 5-15 with the flexibility to digest overnight without degradation to DNA. Engineered with performance in mind, HF restriction enzymes are fully active under a broader range of conditions, minimizing off-target products, while offering flexibility in experimental design.
技术参数 产品优点 High-Fidelity (HF®) Restriction Endonucleases, Restriction Endonucleases: H-M, Time-Saver™ Qualified Restriction Enzymes
产品应用 Restriction Enzyme Digestion, Restriction Enzyme Digestion
组成成分 One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to digest 1 µg of pXba DNA in 1 hour at 37°C in a total reaction volume of 50 µl.
辅助产品 Companion Products KpnIMonarch® Plasmid Miniprep KitMonarch® DNA Gel Extraction KitMonarch® PCR & DNA Cleanup Kit (5 μg)Nuclease-free Water
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