1.AutophagyUbiquitin ligase SYVN1/HRD1 facilitates degradation of the SERPINA1 Z variant/α-1-antitrypsin Z variant via SQSTM1/p62-dependent selective autophagy."A21081 was used in immunocytochemistry to discover that endoplasmic reticulum membrane-spanning ubiquitin ligase SYVN1/HRD1 enhances the degradation of the Z variant of SERPINA1 through the autophagy-lysosome pathway"AuthorsFeng L,Zhang J,Zhu N,Ding Q,Zhang X,Yu J,Qiang W,Zhang Z,Ma Y,Huang D,Shen Y,Fang S,Yu Y,Wang H,Shen Y2.OncogeneExtracellular matrix-induced transforming growth factor-beta receptor signaling dynamics."A-21081 was used in immunocytochemistry to elucidate TGF-beta receptor dynamics and consequential signaling"AuthorsGaramszegi N,Garamszegi SP,Samavarchi-Tehrani P,Walford E,Schneiderbauer MM,Wrana JL,Scully SP3.GliaInterleukin-13 immune gene therapy prevents CNS inflammation and demyelination via alternative activation of microglia and macrophages."A21081 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to show that the administration of IL-13 is protective in the cuprizone mouse model for multiple sclerosis"AuthorsGuglielmetti C,Le Blon D,Santermans E,Salas-Perdomo A,Daans J,De Vocht N,Shah D,Hoornaert C,Praet J,Peerlings J,Kara F,Bigot C,Mai Z,Goossens H,Hens N,Hendrix S,Verhoye M,Planas AM,Berneman Z,van der Linden A,Ponsaerts P4.Journal of neuroinflammationIntracerebral transplantation of interleukin 13-producing mesenchymal stem cells limits microgliosis, oligodendrocyte loss and demyelination in the cuprizone mouse model."A-21081 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to develop an in vivo approach using intracerebral grafting of mesenchymal stem cells to secrete interleukin 13"AuthorsLe Blon D,Guglielmetti C,Hoornaert C,Quarta A,Daans J,Dooley D,Lemmens E,Praet J,De Vocht N,Reekmans K,Santermans E,Hens N,Goossens H,Verhoye M,Van der Linden A,Berneman Z,Hendrix S,Ponsaerts P5.CytotherapySmooth muscle cell transplantation improves bladder contractile function in streptozocin-induced diabetic rats."A-21081 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to discuss factors that contribute to defects observed in diabetic bladders"AuthorsGopinath C,Ponsaerts P,Fransen E,Boeykens N,Pauwels P,Wyndaele JJ |