MagniSort™ Human CD45 Depletion Kit/人CD45 去除试剂盒
规格:200 tests
品牌:Thermo Fisher
MagniSort™ Human CD45 Depletion Kit 可利用生物素化的抗人 CD45 抗体和链霉亲和素包被的磁珠从人类裂解全血或外周血单核细胞中剔除 CD45+ 细胞。CD45+ 细胞将由抗体结合,随后结合至磁珠。将其放入磁力架中,CD45- 细胞可通过倾倒从 CD45+ 细胞中分离出来。 剔除后,可利用抗人 CD45 抗体(克隆号 2D1)染色来验证所选细胞的纯度。 |
优点: |
-操作简单;- 无需分离柱。 |
数据: |
图1.MagniSort™ 人CD45去除试剂盒分选流式图Human lysed whole blood was mixed with HeLa cells that were labeled with Cell Proliferation Dye eFluor™ 670 (cat. 65-0840). Cells were either undepleted (left) or depleted with the MagniSort™ Human CD45 Depletion Kit (right) and stained with Anti-Human CD45 eFluor™ 450 (cat. 48-9459). Total viable cells were used for analysis. |
组成成分: |
▪MagniSort® Human CD45 Biotin A (cat. MS22-6802): 200 tests, 20 μL/test; store at 2-8°C.▪MagniSort® Negative Selection Beads B (cat. NB-6001): 4 mL; store at 2-8°C. |
相关产品: |
▪分选磁极▪人免疫细胞分选试剂盒▪5 mL流式管(货号#352058)▪Easysep Buffer, 1L(货号#20144) |
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