1.Scientific reportsIdentification of Elongated Primary Cilia with Impaired Mechanotransduction in Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients."322700 was used in immunocytochemistry to assess the phenotype of bone-derived primary cilia from patients with idiopathic scoliosis"AuthorsOliazadeh N,Gorman KF,Eveleigh R,Bourque G,Moreau A2.Developmental cellThe Eya1 phosphatase promotes Shh signaling during hindbrain development and oncogenesis."32-2700 was used in immunocytochemistry to study Shh signaling during oncogenesis and hindbrain development due to Eya1 phosphate promotion"AuthorsEisner A,Pazyra-Murphy MF,Durresi E,Zhou P,Zhao X,Chadwick EC,Xu PX,Hillman RT,Scott MP,Greenberg ME,Segal RA3.Human molecular geneticsGM130 gain-of-function induces cell pathology in a model of lysosomal storage disease."32-2700 was used in immunocytochemistry to investigate the role of GM30 during lysosomal biogenesis."AuthorsRoy E,Bruyère J,Flamant P,Bigou S,Ausseil J,Vitry S,Heard JM4.Nature medicineImpaired Wnt-beta-catenin signaling disrupts adult renal homeostasis and leads to cystic kidney ciliopathy."32-2700 was used in immunocytochemistry to explore the role of canonical Wnt activity in adult mammalian kidney homeostasis"AuthorsLancaster MA,Louie CM,Silhavy JL,Sintasath L,Decambre M,Nigam SK,Willert K,Gleeson JG5.Scientific reportsThe molecular motor Myosin Va interacts with the cilia-centrosomal protein RPGRIP1L."322700 was used in proximity ligation assay to analyze proteins interacting with myosin Va at the centrosome"AuthorsAssis LH,Silva-Junior RM,Dolce LG,Alborghetti MR,Honorato RV,Nascimento AF,Melo-Hanchuk TD,Trindade DM,Tonoli CC,Santos CT,Oliveira PS,Larson RE,Kobarg J,Espreafico EM,Giuseppe PO,Murakami MT |