MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMix K

admin 2024-10-17 13

MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMix K




产品类型:PCR 及DNA聚合酶


The MasterAmp™ PCR Optimization Kit (without ammonium sulfate: for MasterAmp Taq DNA Polymerase) provides a complete buffer system for the optimization of individual template-primer pair combinations.The twelve MasterAmp 2X PCR PreMixes contain a buffered salt solution with all four deoxynucleotides, MgCl2, and MasterAmp PCR Enhancer (with betaine). Individual MasterAmp 2X PCR PreMixes are available separately for repeated amplification of a specific template-primer combination. The presence of betaine (trimethyl glycine) in the MasterAmp 10X PCR Enhancer substantially improves the yield and specificity of amplification of many target sequences, especially those containing a high G+C content or secondary structure. Betaine, a natural osmoprotectant, lowers the melting temperature of G+C rich regions to a temperature more similar to A+T rich regions.This results in destabilization of double-stranded DNA which limits polymerase pausing,thereby increasing the yield of full-length product. In addition, betaine also may enhance PCR by protecting DNA polymerases from thermal denaturation.The effects of betaine seem to be independent of the polymerase used, though the concentration of betaine required for amplification varies with the target sequence.
▪ Fast, simple optimization▪ Extremely high sensitivity and specificity using the PCR Enhancer Technology▪ MasterAmp PCR PreMixes contain all components needed for successful PCR▪ Generates PCR products suitable for both TA cloning and blunt-end cloning▪ Use for the optimization of PCR reactions using a variety of different enzymes including Taq, Pfu, Tth, Tfl polymerases
▪ MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMix H(MO7205A)▪ MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMix C(MO7205B)

▪ MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMix A(MO7205C)

▪ MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMix D(MO7205D)▪ MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMix E(MO7205E)▪ MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMix F(MO7205F)▪ MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMix G(MO7205G)▪ MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMix I(MO7205H)▪ MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMix J(MO7205I)▪ MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMix K(MO7205J)▪ MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMix L(MO7205L)▪ MasterAmp™ PCR Optimization Kit (MO7201)

▪ MasterAmp™ 10X PCR Enhancer(ME81210)

1. Mytelka, D.S. and Chamberlin, M.J. (1996) Nucl. Acids Res. 24, 2774. 2. Henke, W. et al., (1997) Nucl. Acids Res. 25, 3957. 3. Weissensteiner, T. and Lanchbury, J.S. (1996) BioTechniques 21, 1102. 4. Rees, W.A. et al., (1992) Biochemistry 32, 137.

5. Santoro, M.M. et al., (1992) Biochemistry 31, 5278.


产品优点 - Fast, simple optimization - Extremely high sensitivity and specificity using the PCR Enhancer Technology - MasterAmp PCR PreMixes contain all components needed for successful PCR - Generates PCR products suitable for both TA cloning and blunt-end cloning - Use for the optimization of PCR reactions using a variety of different enzymes including Taq, Pfu, Tth, Tfl polymerases

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