E. cloni 10G Chemically Competent Cells > 1 × 10^9 cfu/µg,E. cloni 10G电转化感受态细胞

admin 2024-10-17 13

E. cloni 10G Chemically Competent Cells > 1 × 10^9 cfu/µg,E. cloni 10G电转化感受态细胞

货号:60106-1 ,60107-1,60107-2

规格:12 rxns (SOLOs),12 rxns (DUOs),24 rxns (DUOs)




E. cloni 10G Chemically Competent Cells are a strain of E. coli that have been optimized for high efficiency transformation by heat shock, producing > 1 x 108 cfu/µg supercoiled pUC19 DNA. These cells are ideal for cloning and propagation of plasmid, cosmid, or fosmid clones. They can directly replace commonly used cloning strains like DH10B. The E. cloni 10G strain contains inactive mcr and mrr alleles, allowing methylated genomic DNA isolated directly from mammalian or plant cells to be cloned without deletions or rearrangements. The cells give high yield and high quality plasmid DNA due to the endA1 and recA1 mutations. They are bacteriophage T1-resistant (tonA mutation). The rpsL mutation confers resistance to streptomycin.
▪Direct replacements for standard cloning strains (e.g., DH5α™, DH10B™, JM109, TOP10, XL1-Blue, etc.);▪Optimized genetics for high yields: phage T1 resistant, endonuclease and recombination minus, blue/white screening-capable;▪High efficiency cells result in high colony counts;
▪E. cloni 10G Chemically Competent Cells > 1 × 10^8 in 96-well plates(货号#60096)


产品优点 - Direct replacements for standard cloning strains (e.g., DH5α™, DH10B™, JM109, TOP10, XL1-Blue, etc.) - Optimized genetics for high yields: phage T1 resistant, endonuclease and recombination minus, blue/white screening-capable. - Available in a range of transformation efficiencies (1 × 106 to 1 x 109cfu/µg). - Convenient packaging options. - High efficiency cells result in high colony counts - Endorsed by SGI-DNA for Gibson Assembly® applications

组成成分 Competent Cells include Control DNA and Recovery Medium, and are packaged as SOLOs (1 transformation per tube), DUOs (2 transformations per tube), Subcloning Grade (12 transformations per tube), or microplates as indicated. Recovery Medium is also available separately. The specified transformation efficiencies are with pUC DNA, unless indicated otherwise.

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