Both unmodified and modified Ribonucleoside-5’-Triphosphate (NTPs) meet strict spectrophotometric criteria and are rigorously tested in functional assays with our RNA Polymerases. NTPs are provided as sterile, pH neutral solutions of ATP, CTP, GTP, or UTP, each at a concentration of 100 mM. 2′-Fluorine-Nucleoside-5′-Triphosphates are provided as sterile, neutral solutions of 2′-Fluorine-dCTP or 2′-Fluorine-dUTP, each at a concentration of 50 mM. Biotin-16-UTP is a biologically active analog of uridine-5′-triphosphate that is readily incorporated into RNA during an in vitro transcription reaction by RNA polymerases such as phage T7 RNA Polymerase.ATP Solution. ATP is provided as a sterile, pH neutral 100 mM solution. ATP is suitable for use as a cofactor with T4 DNA Ligase and T4 Polynucleotide kinase. This ATP solution can also be used in RNA-tailing applications |