BioCoat Laminin 35 mm TC-treated Culture Dishes, 5/Pack, 20/Case
规格:5/Pack, 20/Case
Laminin (LM), a major component of basement membranes, is a multifunctional glycoprotein that is used as a substrate to culture and maintain differentiated function of a wide variety of cells. Laminin has been shown in culture to stimulate neurite outgrowth, promote cell attachment, chemotaxis, cell differentiation, and neuronal survival.
层粘连蛋白(LM)是基底膜的主要结构成分之一,通过与细胞表面其他成分(如IV型胶原等)和LM的细胞表面表面受体结合发挥功能,促进多种细胞,尤其是神经元,上皮细胞,肌肉细胞和成肌细胞等的贴壁,增殖和分化。 |
康宁BioCoat 层粘连蛋白(LM)包被的培养器皿可适用于: |
-促进细胞贴壁与铺展-诱导细胞分化和神经突触生长-促进成肌细胞增殖-研究层粘连蛋白对细胞功能的影响-细胞粘附分析 |
数据: |
NG-108神经痛细胞分别培养在康宁BioCoat 层粘连蛋白细胞培养器(左图)和常规培养皿(右图),可观察到左图的NG-108呈树突状生长,而右图的细胞仍呈圆形,贴壁不佳。 |
适用康宁BioCoat 层粘连蛋白培养的细胞: |
1.神经元细胞2.角质细胞3.1003胚胎癌细胞4.成肌细胞5.心肌细胞6.巨噬细胞7.U937转染细胞系8.乳头上皮细胞9.MC3T3-E1类成骨细胞系 |
产品描述 | 数量 | 货号 |
多孔培养板: 6孔板 12孔板 24孔板 48孔板 96孔板 | 5 5 5 5 5 | 354404 354502 354412 354507 354410 |
细胞培养皿: 35 mm 60 mm 100 mm 150 mm | 20 20 10 5 | 354458 354405 354452 354553 |
细胞培养瓶: 25 cm2塞封盖 75 cm2塞封盖 | 10 10 | 354533 354522 |
技术参数 产品应用 - Promotion of cell attachment and spreading- Induction of cell differentiation and neurite outgrowth- Increases proliferation of myoblasts- Studies of effects of laminin on cell behavior- Cell adhesion assays
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