Thermo Scientific B-PER Complete Bacterial Protein Extraction Reagent is an easy-to-use cell lysis reagent is a nonionic detergent-based solutions that effectively disrupt cells and solubilize native or recombinant proteins without denaturation. All B-PER Reagents are compatible with downstream applications, such as affinity chromatography (e.g., immobilized metal affinity chromatography, glutathione chromatography), SDS-PAGE, and protein quantification (e.g., Pierce BCA Protein Assay, Pierce 660nm Protein Assay). Depending on the particular application, protease inhibitors, salts, reducing agents, denaturants, and chelating agents may be added to the reagent.B-PER Complete Bacterial Protein Extraction Reagent is an all-inclusive formulation that combines the lysis reagent with lysozyme and a universal nuclease to enable mild extraction from both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Traditional Tris-buffered and phosphate-buffered formulations without enzymes are also offered. All B-PER Reagents are compatible with downstream applications, such as affinity chromatography (e.g., immobilized metal affinity chromatography, glutathione chromatography), SDS-PAGE, and protein quantification (e.g., Pierce BCA Protein Assay, Pierce 660nm Protein Assay). Depending on the particular application, protease inhibitors, salts, reducing agents, denaturants, and chelating agents may be added to the reagent.B-PER Bacterial Extraction Reagents are more effective than traditional sonication and typical homemade lysis buffers, many of which include detergents and components that interfere with downstream applications. B-PER Reagents are formulated in Tris or phosphate buffer at physiological pH. They extract native and soluble recombinant proteins and yield lysates that are directly compatible with most downstream workflows such as electrophoresis, affinity purification, immunoprecipitation, protein interaction analysis, crosslinking and protein labeling. |