HisPur™ Ni-NTA Resin/HisPur Ni-NTA树脂

admin 2024-10-18 13

HisPur™ Ni-NTA Resin/HisPur Ni-NTA树脂


规格:10 mL,100 mL,500 mL



品牌:Thermo Fisher

Thermo Scientific的HisPur Ni-NTA树脂是一种具有高结合能力的高性能镍-IMAC树脂,可用于His标签融合蛋白的常规亲和纯化。HisPur Ni-NTA树脂的特点:•高结合能力—每毫升树脂可结合多达60 mg的6xHis标签蛋白•通用型—可在变性或非变性条件下进行蛋白纯化•兼容性—可与Thermo Scientific细胞裂解试剂及多种缓冲液添加剂共同使用•高性价比— 同一批树脂可重复使用最少五次•简单易用— 试剂盒中带有预配缓冲液•灵活— 多种规格可选,包括散装树脂、离心柱、色谱层析管及96孔过滤板等HisPur Ni-NTA树脂所含的珠状琼脂糖树脂次氮基三乙酸(NTA)螯合组分衍生,并加载了二价镍离子(Ni2+)。这款固相金属亲和色谱(IMAC)树脂在重组His标签蛋白的纯化应用中具有出色的结合能力与性能。重组蛋白的表达和纯化对于蛋白调控、结构和功能研究来说至关重要。大多数重组蛋白是与短亲和标签融合在一起表达的,其中最常用的标签是多聚组氨酸(6xHis)标签。纯化重组His标记蛋白是通过固相金属亲和色谱(IMAC)来实现的,其中使用了含镍离子或钴离子的螯合树脂,这些金属离子会与组氨酸侧链配位结合。HisPur Ni-NTA树脂可以高效地纯化细菌裂解物中的过表达His标记融合蛋白(使用Thermo Scientific B-PER细菌蛋白抽提试剂制备),在不同规模的批量结合和离心柱实验中均表现良好,其性能与市场上其他品牌的Ni-NTA树脂相当甚至大大超出。HisPur Ni-NTA树脂是一种高品质、稳定的弹性亲和树脂,测试表明在重复使用5次后性能也没有下降,对于日常使用中的结构劣化或镍离子浸出具有很高的抗性。HisPur Ni-NTA树脂及HisPur钴离子树脂均属于IMAC树脂,前者使用了镍离子作为His标签结合时的螯合金属离子,而后者使用了钴离子。Ni-NTA树脂是6xHis标签蛋白纯化中最常用的IMAC树脂,其螯合物中有四个金属离子结合位点,可以大量结合蛋白质,同时减少金属离子浸出。钴离子的结合能力相对会较低,然后更具有筛选作用,其His标签蛋白纯化的纯度更高,不过得率也更低。

HisPur Ni-NTA and HisPur Cobalt Resins maximize yield and purityBacterial lysate containing over-expressed 6xHis-AIF2 (6mg total protein) or 6xHis-GFP (4mg total protein) was applied to HisPur Ni-NTA Resin (0.2mL) and purified by the batch-bind method. The same amount of total protein was applied to Ni-IDA and HisPur Cobalt Resins and purified as described in the instructions. Elution fractions were analyzed for protein content using the Coomassie Plus (Bradford) Protein Assay Kit (Part No. 23236). Purity was determined by analyzing the gel with densitometry software.

HisPur Ni-NTA Resin can be used at least five times without losing performanceBacterial lysate (20mg total protein) containing over-expressed 6xHis-Protein L was applied to HisPur Ni-NTA Resin (0.2mL) and purified by the batch-bind method. Before each reuse, the resin was washed with 20mM MES buffer, 0.1M NaCl; pH5 (1mL) and followed by a water wash (1mL). Gels lanes were normalized to equivalent volume. M = MW marker, L = lysate load, FT = flow-through and E = elution.

HisPur Ni-NTA resin is effective for purifying His-tagged proteins in batch-bind and spin-column formatsLeft panel: Bacterial lysate (10mg total protein) containing over-expressed 6xHis-annexin V was applied to 0.2mL of HisPur Ni-NTA Resin and purified by the batch-bind method. Center panel: Bacterial lysate (1.7mg total protein) containing over-expressed 6xHis-annexin V was applied to a HisPur Ni-NTA Spin Column (0.2mL) and purified by the spin method. Right panel: The same amount of lysate (1.7mg) was applied to Supplier Q's spin column and purified per the manufacturer's instructions. Gels lanes were normalized to equivalent volume. M = molecular-weight marker, L = lysate load, FT = flow-through and E = elution.

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