HisPur™ Cobalt Resin/HisPur™钴树脂

admin 2024-10-18 18

HisPur™ Cobalt Resin/HisPur™钴树脂


规格:10 mL,100 mL,500 mL



品牌:Thermo Fisher

Thermo Scientific HisPur 钴树脂是一种含二价钴 (Co2+) 的四配位基螯合琼脂糖树脂,用于获得无金属污染的高纯度 His 标签蛋白。HisPur 钴树脂的特点:-高纯度—可获得超过 10 毫克的纯 His 标签蛋白/毫升树脂,无需优化咪唑洗涤条件-特异性—钴螯合物配位核心可结合更少宿主蛋白污染物,从而使背景低于镍树脂-低金属浸出率—洗脱的组氨酸标签蛋白样品中无金属污染•多功能性—在天然或变性条件下纯化蛋白;与 Thermo Scientific Pierce 细胞裂解试剂和多种缓冲液添加剂兼容-节约成本—树脂可多次重复使用或使用一次后丢弃-灵活性—可以散装树脂、试剂盒、预分配柱、色谱纯化柱和 96 孔过滤板形式提供与 Ni-IDA 和四配位基 Ni2+螯合树脂相比,HisPur 钴树脂可以更高的特异性(更低脱靶结合)结合组氨酸标签蛋白,并使用更温和的条件(更低浓度咪唑)释放它们。虽然 Ni(2+) 螯合树脂的蛋白得率较高,但它们会进行一定程度的无区别结合,从而导致纯度不佳。通常,需要额外的纯化步骤。相反,钴在不牺牲蛋白得率的情况下可最大限度地提高蛋白纯度。与镍树脂相比,HisPur 钴树脂可结合更少非特异性蛋白,表现出更小金属浸出率和实现更宽松的洗脱条件。HisPur 钴 IMAC 树脂可特异性结合可通过温和咪唑洗脱高效回收的 His 标签重组蛋白。使用一种大肠杆菌裂解物中表达并在其中纯化的 28 kDa 融合蛋白时每毫升树脂中可结合超过 10 mg 的 His 标签蛋白。可回收各种 His 标签蛋白,纯度与使用离心或重力流柱形式从其他可用镍或钴 IMAC 树脂中获得的相应值相似或高于后者。对照使用不同大小和表达水平的多种 His 标签蛋白与其他供应商的 IMAC 树脂比较了 HisPur 钴树脂的纯化性能。结果表明,HisPur 钴树脂在不牺牲蛋白得率的情况下可达到较高蛋白纯度。可用规格:•树脂浆—交联 6% 微珠状琼脂糖;10 mL、100 mL、500 mL 瓶•离心柱—0.2 mL(微量离心机)、1 mL 和 3 mL 柱•纯化试剂盒—全部三种柱规格的全套试剂盒•色谱纯化柱•96 孔离心板

HisPur Cobalt Resin is specific for His-tagged proteins and allows mild, efficient elutionsCell lysate containing over-expressed recombinant 6xHis-tagged GFP was prepared in B-PER Bacterial Protein Extraction Reagent (Part No. 78243) and protease inhibitors. Protein concentrations were determined by Coomassie Plus Protein Assay (Part No. 23238). Bacterial lysate (1.0mg total protein) was applied to a 0.2mL bed volume of HisPur Cobalt Resin in a spin column. The resin was washed three times with 0.4mL of wash buffer containing 10mM imidazole. His-tagged proteins were eluted three times with 0.2mL of elution buffer containing 150mM imidazole. Gel lanes were normalized to equivalent volume. Gel was stained with Imperial Protein Stain (Part No. 24615). M = Molecular Weight Marker; L = lysate load; FT = flow-through.

HisPur Cobalt Resin outperforms other IMAC resinsComparable yield and higher purity obtained with HisPur Cobalt Resin (lane 1) compared to other IMAC resins (lanes 2 to 6). Cell lysates containing over-expressed recombinant 6xHis-tagged protein were prepared in B-PER Bacterial Protein Extraction Reagent (Part No. 78243) and protease inhibitors. Protein concentrations were determined by Coomassie Plus Protein Assay (Part No. 23238).E. colilysates containing over-expressed His-tagged GFP, ß-galactosidase or Protein L were applied to 0.2mL bed volumes of each IMAC resin in spin column format. Binding, wash and elution buffers were prepared and used per each manufacturer's instructions. The first elution fraction for each IMAC resin was analyzed by SDS-PAGE and protein purity determined by densitometry. Gel lanes were normalized to equivalent volume. Lanes: 1= HisPur Cobalt Resin, 2= supplier C cobalt resin, 3= supplier S cobalt resin, 4= supplier G nickel resin, 5= supplier Q nickel resin, 6= Ni-IDA and L= lysate load.

Highest purity obtained with Thermo Scientific HisPur Cobalt ResinComparison of purity of first elution fractions using various Co 2+ and Ni 2+ IMAC Resins. Values were determined by densitometry of stained protein bands in the gels shown in the figure below.

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