GadoSpin F/动脉粥样硬化造影剂

admin 2024-10-18 15

GadoSpin F/动脉粥样硬化造影剂


规格:for 5 injections,for 5×5 injections




GadoSpin F is an amphiphilic gadolinium-based contrast agent with high protein-binding affinity specifically formulated for preclinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).It is a contrast agent of high relaxivity increasing the signal intensity in T1-weighted MRI due to a shortening of the spin-lattice relaxation time (T1).Upon intravenous injection, GadoSpin F rapidly binds to plasma proteins. This protein binding extends the residence time of the drug in the vascular space and, consequently, prolongs the imaging time window. Accumulation in atherosclerotic plaques can be observed allowing for direct visualization of plaque burden.GadoSpin F is excreted in feces and urine.ApplicationsGadoSpin F is indicated for use in MRI of small animals, for example mice, to facilitate the visualization of the vasculature.Examples include contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and detection of atherosclerotic plaques.GadoSpin F是一种特异用于研究动脉粥样硬化的MRI 造影剂,其含有一个高蛋白亲和力的疏水靶位。GadoSpin F是一种基于钆两亲性螯合的造影剂,具有高蛋白结合亲和力,专门用于临床前磁共振成像(MRI)。它是一种高度放松的造影剂,由于spin-lattice relaxation time (T1)的缩短,GadoSpin F在T1-weighted MRI中增加了信号强度。静脉注射后,GadoSpin F迅速与血浆蛋白结合。 这种蛋白质结合延长了药物在血管空间的停留时间,从而延长了成像时间窗口。 可以观察到动脉粥样硬化斑块的积累。GadoSpin F从粪便和尿液中排泄。应用Gado SpinF被用于小动物的MRI,例如小鼠,以促进血管的可视化。例如增强磁共振血管造影(MRA)和动脉粥样硬化斑块的检测。


-涵盖全面,应用范围广;- 操作简单; - 高效。


图1.GadoSpin F原理图


▪850 µL GadoSpin™ F, MRI contrast agent (perfluorinated Gd-chelate) or 5×850 µL GadoSpin™ F, MRI contrast agent (perfluorinated Gd-chelate).


▪ExiTron V二聚化非离子胞外CT造影剂(货号#130-095-283)▪ExiTron P CT 肾排泄血管造影剂(货号#130-095-144)▪ExiTron nano 6000 肝脏显像CT 造影剂(货号#130-095-146)▪ExiTron nano 12000CT 血管造影剂(货号#130-095-698)▪GadoSpin F动脉粥样硬化成像剂MRI 造影剂(货号#130-095-162)▪GadoSpin P MR 血管造影剂(货号#130-095-136)▪GadoSpin D动态造影增强MRI 造影剂(货号#130-095-164)▪GadoSpin M 胞外MRI 造影剂(货号#130-095-134)▪ FeraSpin R 肝脏显像MRI 造影剂(货号#130-095-138)▪FeraSpin XS 纳米微粒血管MRI 造影剂(货号#130-095-140)▪FeraSpin S 纳米微粒(货号#130-095-166)

▪FeraSpin M纳米微粒血管MRI 造影剂(货号#130-095-168)

▪FeraSpinL纳米微粒血管MRI 造影剂(货号#130-095-170)

▪PolySon H超声微泡(货号#130-095-152)▪PolySon L hard-shell 超声微泡(货号#130-095-150)▪NiraWave C 光学显像造影剂(货号#130-095-154)▪NiraWave M 光学炎症显像造影剂(货号#130-095-157)▪NiraWave nano 780 光学血管造影剂(货号#130-095-693)

1. Zheng, J. et al. (2008) Targeted contrast agent helps to monitor advanced plaque during progression: a magnetic resonance imaging study in rabbits. Invest. Radiol. 43: 49-55

2. Raatschen, H. J. et al. (2006) MRI tumor characterization using Gd-GlyMe-DOTA-perfluorooctyl-mannose-conjugate (Gadofluorine M), a protein-avid contrast agent. Contrast Media Mol. Imaging 1: 113-1203. Barkhausen, J. et al. (2003) Detection of atherosclerotic plaque with Gadofluorine-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Circulation 108: 605-60

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