ManNAz(四酰化 N-叠氮基乙酰基甘露糖胺)

admin 2024-10-18 19

ManNAz(四酰化 N-叠氮基乙酰基甘露糖胺)


规格:5 mg



品牌:Thermo Fisher

Thermo Scientific Pierce ManNAz(N-叠氮基乙酰基甘露糖胺-四酰化)是一种叠氮化物标记的糖,提供了一种高特异性方法,用于通过体内代谢标记和化学选择性连接研究糖蛋白。这些糖是天然单糖的叠氮化物衍生物,细胞使用翻译后修饰生化途径使蛋白糖基化。叠氮化物官能团很小且不与内源性分子发生反应。当输送到细胞时,这些化合物被糖基化事件整合,以便有效地使用叠氮化物基团“标记”糖蛋白。然后叠氮化物基团可专门用于使用炔烃活化试剂(“点击”化学)或膦活化试剂进行的检测或偶联。当与膦活化荧光染料、生物素试剂或其他化合物结合使用时,这些叠氮基修饰的糖有助于研究涉及糖基化的细胞通路。有多类根据碳水化合物类型和氨基酸键位点分组的糖蛋白。N-连接糖基化是天冬酰胺的修饰,而O-连接糖基化通过丝氨酸和苏氨酸残基的羟基进行。叠氮基修饰的糖是内源性氨基糖的代谢替代物。ManNAz 被细胞转化为叠氮基唾液酸衍生物,用于细胞表面蛋白的N-连接糖基化。GlcNAz 和 GalNAz 主要用于标记O-连接糖基化(O-GlcNAc 和O-GalNAc)。

Detection of metabolic labeling with azido-sugars in different cell types using azide-reactive DyLight DyesA549, U2OS and HK-2 cells were incubated with 40µM azido-acetylmannosamine in cell culture media for 72 hours and then incubated with 100µM of DyLight 550-Phosphine (yellow). The cells were washed, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and counterstained with Hoechst 33342 (blue).

Comparison of fluorescent detection reagents for metabolically labeled sugarsCell extracts were prepared from the A549 incubated with azido-sugarN-azidoacetylgalactosamine (ManNAz),N-azidoacetylglucosamine (GlcNAz) orN-azidoacetylmannosamine (GalNAz). The cell extracts were incubated with either Thermo Scientific DyLight 650-Phosphine or with Click-iT Alexa Fluor 647 DIBO Alkyne and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The samples incubated with DyLight 650-Phosphine show a different labeling pattern for each of the three incorporated azido-sugar, demonstrating that different types of glycosylation (i.e., one sugar vs. another) can be detected specifically by using the DyLight Phosphine-activated detection reagents.

Chemical structures of Azido-Sugars for metabolic labelingAll three compounds have the same molecular weight (MW 430.37). Once these compounds are incorporated into molecular structures, they can be detected using phosphine-activated molecules via the Staudinger ligation reaction chemistry.

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