CD275 (B7-H2) Monoclonal Antibody (MIH12), Biotin, eBioscience

admin 2024-10-18 13

CD275 (B7-H2) Monoclonal Antibody (MIH12), Biotin, eBioscience


规格:100 µg







抗体亚型:IgG1, kappa






Mouse IgG1 kappa Isotype Control (P3., Biotin, eBioscience


0.5 mg/mL


1 µg/test(Flow)

产品详细信息Description: The MIH12 monoclonal antibody reacts with human B7RP-1, also known as B7h, B7-H2, GL50 and ICOS Ligand. B7RP-1, a member of the B7 family, has a predicted molecular weight of approximately 40 kDa and belongs to the Ig superfamily. Human B7RP-1 is expressed by activated monocytes/macrophages. B7RP-1 binds to the ICOS molecule (AILIM, CRP-1) expressed by activated T cells. The interaction of ICOS/B7RP-1 plays an important role in the T cell costimulation pathway.Applications Reported: This MIH12 antibody has been reported for use in flow cytometric analysis, and immunohistology staining of frozen tissue sections. Applicability of MIH12 for immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting (WB) has not been determined.Applications Tested: The MIH12 antibody has been tested by flow cytometric analysis of normal human peripheral blood monocyte-derived dendritic cells. This can be used at less than or equal to 1 µg per test. A test is defined as the amount (µg) of antibody that will stain a cell sample in a final volume of 100 µL. Cell number should be determined empirically but can range from 10^5 to 10^8 cells/test. It is recommended that the antibody be carefully titrated for optimal performance in the assay of interest.Filtration: 0.2 µm post-manufacturing filtered.靶标信息Inducible co-stimulator ligand (ICOSL) is a specific ligand on antigen-presenting cells and cells of the peripheral tissue that binds to the inducible co-stimulator receptor (ICOS). ICOS belongs to the CD28/CD152 receptor family that regulates T-cell activation and function. ICOSL is expressed on monocytes, dendritic cells and B cells and can be induced by inflammatory stimuli in peripheral tissue. Binding to ICOSL delivers a co-stimulatory signal for T cell proliferation and cytokine secretion.仅用于科研。不用于诊断过程。


CD275 (B7-H2) Antibody (13-5889-82) in FlowStaining of normal human peripheral blood cells with Anti-Human CD275 (B7-H2) PE (filled histogram). Appropriate isotype controls were used (open histogram). Cells in the lymphocyte population were used for analysis.


-Intracellular Fixation & Permeabilization Buffer Set(货号#88-8824)-Foxp3 / Transcription Factor Staining Buffer Set(货号#00-5523-00)-Flow Cytometry Staining Buffer(货号#00-4222-57/26)


1.Stem cell research & therapyComprehensive characterization of chorionic villi-derived mesenchymal stromal cells from human placenta."Published figure using CD275 (B7-H2) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5889-82) in Flow Cytometry"2.Clinical and experimental immunologyPulmonary sarcoidosis is associated with high-level inducible co-stimulator (ICOS) expression on lung regulatory T cells--possible implications for the ICOS/ICOS-ligand axis in disease course and resolution."Published figure using CD275 (B7-H2) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5889-82) in Flow Cytometry"3.OncoimmunologyTumor-infiltrating plasmacytoid dendritic cells promote immunosuppression by Tr1 cells in human liver tumors."Published figure using CD275 (B7-H2) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5889-82) in Flow Cytometry"4.Scandinavian journal of immunologyExpression and regulation of human CD275 on endothelial cells in healthy and inflamed mucosal tissues.AuthorsYoungnak-Piboonratanakit P,Tsushima F,Otsuki N,Igarashi H,Omura K,Azuma M5.OncoimmunologyTumor-infiltrating plasmacytoid dendritic cells promote immunosuppression by Tr1 cells in human liver tumors."Published figure using CD275 (B7-H2) monoclonal antibody (Product # 13-5889-82) in Flow Cytometry"

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