Mouse |
1. Grundy L et al. Chronic linaclotide treatment reduces colitis-induced neuroplasticity and reverses persistent bladder dysfunction. JCI Insight (2018). Atlan G et al. The Claustrum Supports Resilience to Distraction. Curr Biol(2018). Baranska A et al. Unveiling skin macrophage dynamics explains both tattoo persistence and strenuous removal. J Exp Med (2018). Mondor I et al. Clonal Proliferation and Stochastic Pruning Orchestrate Lymph Node Vasculature Remodeling. Immunity (2016). Seiradake E et al. FLRT structure: balancing repulsion and cell adhesion in cortical and vascular development. Neuron (2014). |
Drosophila |
1. Benavides LR et al. Phylogeny, evolution and systematic revision of the mite harvestman family Neogoveidae (Opiliones Cyphophthalmi). Invertebrate Systematics (2019). Göpel T et al. Morphological description, character conceptualization and the reconstruction of ancestral states exemplified by the evolution of arthropod hearts.PLoS One (2018). Marcogliese PC et al. IRF2BPL Is Associated with Neurological Phenotypes. Am J Hum Genet (2018). Lin G et al. Phospholipase PLA2G6, a Parkinsonism-Associated Gene, Affects Vps26 and Vps35, Retromer Function, and Ceramide Levels, Similar to α-Synuclein Gain. Cell Metab (2018). Li-Kroeger D et al. An expanded toolkit for gene tagging based on MiMIC and scarless CRISPR tagging in Drosophila. eLife (2018). 6. Liu N et al. Functional variants in TBX2 are associated with a syndromic cardiovascular and skeletal developmental disorder. Hum Mol Genet (2018). Lee PT et al. A gene-specific T2A-GAL4 library for Drosophila. eLife (2018). Lee PT et al. A kinase-dependent feedforward loop affects CREBB stability and long term memory formation. eLife (2018). Myers L et al. The Drosophila Ret gene functions in the stomatogastric nervous system with the Maverick TGFβ ligand and the Gfrl co-receptor. Development.(2018). Frank DD et al. Early Integration of Temperature and Humidity Stimuli in the Drosophila Brain. Curr Biol (2017). Enjin A et al. Humidity Sensing in Drosophila. Curr Biol (2017). Osterfield M et al. Diversity of epithelial morphogenesis during eggshell formation in drosophilids. Development (2015). Nagarkar-Jaiswal S et al. A library of MiMICs allows tagging of genes and reversible spatial and temporal knockdown of proteins in Drosophila. eLife(2015). |
Porcine |
1. Yang, H., Yu, P.K., Cringle, S.J., Sun, X.*, Yu, D.Y.* (2015). Quantitative study of the microvasculature and its endothelial cells in the porcine iris.Exp Eye Res.132: 249-258. doi:*corresponding authors 2. Yang, H., Yu, P.K., Cringle, S.J., Sun, X.*, Yu, D.Y.* (2015). Intracellular cytoskeleton and junction proteins of endothelial cells in the porcine iris microvasculature.Exp Eye Res.140: 106-116. doi:*corresponding authors |
Zebrafish |
1. Steventon, B.*, Duarte, F., Lagadec, R., Mazan, S., Nicolas, J.F., Hirsinger, E. (2016). Species-specific contribution of volumetric growth and tissue convergence to posterior body elongation in vertebrates.Development.143: 1732-1741.*corresponding author |
Human |
1. Yang, H., Yu, P.K., Cringle, S.J., Sun, X., Yu, D.Y.* (2017). Microvascular Network and Its Endothelial Cells in the Human Iris.Curr Eye Res.43(1):67-76. doi:*corresponding author |