Ribonuclease R (RNase R)/核糖核酸酶R

admin 2024-10-17 20

Ribonuclease R (RNase R)/核糖核酸酶R


规格:250 U




Ribonuclease R (RNase R) from E. coli, is a magnesium-dependent 3′→5′ exoribonuclease that digests essentially all linear RNAs but does not digest lariat or circular RNA structures, or double-stranded RNA with 3′-overhangs shorter than 7 nucleotides.Most cellular RNAs will be digested completely by RNase R, with the exception of tRNAs, 5S RNA and intron lariats. The 3′-tails of lariats will be trimmed by RNase R to the branch point nucleotide, where there is a 2′,5′-phosphodiester linkage. 大肠杆菌的核糖核酸酶R(RNase R)是一种依赖镁的3'→5'外核糖核酸酶,其基本上消化所有线性RNA,但不消化套索状或环状RNA结构,或比3'突出端短的双链RNA 7个核苷酸。大多数细胞RNA会被RNase R完全消化,但tRNA,5S RNA和内含套索蛋白除外。 套索的3'-尾巴将被RNase R修饰为分支点核苷酸,其中存在2',5'-磷酸二酯键。Lariats are produced during pre-mRNA splicing of intron regions and can be isolated from a mixture of total RNA by digestion with RNase R. The MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit and MasterPure™ Yeast RNA Purification Kits are ideal for such total RNA preparations. RNA isolated in this way can be used as a template to produce labeled cDNA which is then used as a target for microarrays containing potential intron sequences or for tiling arrays containing overlapping regions of complete chromosomes or genomes. The cDNA produced in this way will not be a linear representation of the intron, but the sequences contained in it will be intron-derived. 套索是在mRNA内含子区域的前期剪接过程中产生的,可以通过用RNase R消化从总RNA的混合物中分离出来。MasterPure™完整DNA和RNA纯化试剂盒和MasterPure™酵母RNA纯化试剂盒是此类总RNA制备的理想选择 。以此方式分离的RNA可用作模板以产生标记的cDNA,然后将其用作含有潜在内含子序列的微阵列或含有完整染色体或基因组重叠区域的平铺阵列的靶标。 以这种方式产生的cDNA将不是内含子的线性表示,但是其中包含的序列将是内含子衍生的。RNase R is provided as a 250 U size (20 U/µL; 1 μg/µL) and is supplied with a 10X RNase R Reaction Buffer. RNase R的大小为250 U(20 U / µL; 1μg/ µL),并配有10X RNase R反应缓冲液。RNase R是一种3’→5’外切核糖核酸酶,基本上可以消化所有线性RNA但不会消化套索或环状RNA结构或带有少于7个核苷酸3'凸出端的双链RNA。可以通过用RNase R进行消化以从总RNA样品中分离内含子RNA。消化后仅剩环状RNA。

▪ Specific: Digests all linear RNAs but does not digest lariat or circular RNA structures, or doublestranded RNA with 3' overhangs shorter than seven nucleotides;▪ Heat Inactivated: Heat at 65°C for 20 minutes to kill enzyme activity;▪ Valuable: Use the unique properties of this exoribonuclease to study alternative splicing and gene expression .

▪ 特异性:消化所有线性RNA,但不消化套索状或环状RNA结构,或3'突出端短于七个核苷酸的双链RNA;▪ 加热灭活:在65°C加热20分钟以杀死酶活性;▪ 有价值:使用这种外切核糖核酸酶的独特特性来研究其他剪接和基因表达。

▪ Ribonuclease R (20 U/µL):12.5μL; Store at -20°C▪ 10X RNase R Reaction Buffer:250μL; Store at -20°C


产品优点 - Specific: Digests all linear RNAs but does not digest lariat or circular RNA structures, or doublestranded RNA with 3' overhangs shorter than seven nucleotides; - Heat Inactivated: Heat at 65°C for 20 minutes to kill enzyme activity; - Valuable: Use the unique properties of this exoribonuclease to study alternative splicing and gene expression. - 特异性:消化所有线性RNA,但不消化套索状或环状RNA结构,或3'突出端短于七个核苷酸的双链RNA; - 加热灭活:在65°C加热20分钟以杀死酶活性; - 有价值:使用这种外切核糖核酸酶的独特特性来研究其他剪接和基因表达。

产品应用 - Alternative splicing studies; - Gene expression studies; - Intron cDNA production; - Intronic screening of cDNA libraries; - Isolation of splicing intermediates and lariats. - 可变剪接研究 - 基因表达研究 - CirRNA-Seq文库构建 - cDNA文库的内含子筛选

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