Pierce F(ab')2 Micro Preparation Kit / F(ab')2微量制备试剂盒

admin 2024-10-17 20

Pierce F(ab')2 Micro Preparation Kit / F(ab')2微量制备试剂盒


规格:1 kit



品牌:Thermo Fisher

The Thermo Scientific Pierce F(ab')2 Preparation Kit uses immobilized pepsin protease to selectively digest whole human and other IgG antibodies to make F(ab')2 fragments that retain antigen binding activity.These F(ab')2 Preparation Kits are suitable for human, rabbit, mouse and other species and subclasses of IgG except mouse IgG1. The antibody digestion reaction with pepsin agarose is performed in convenient disposable spin columns that allow efficient removal of the immobilized protease and maximum recovery of the IgG fragments. Also included in the kits are Thermo Scientific NAb Protein A Spin Columns and buffers to efficiently purify the resulting fragments. Protein A binds the Fc fragments and undigested IgG, allowing the pure F(ab')2 fragments to be recovered in the flow-through fraction. The kits also include Thermo Scientific Zeba Desalting Spin Columns for preparing the IgG sample quickly without dilution instead of utilizing time-consuming dialysis steps.The kits use pepsin, a nonspecific endopeptidase, to enzymatically digest the Fc portion of whole IgG to yield the fragment known as F(ab')2. This fragment is composed of a pair of Fab' units connected by two disulfide bonds. Because the pepsin protease is supplied in immobilized form as beaded agarose resin, the digestion reaction is easily stopped by removing the resin from the IgG solution; the result is digest products that are enzyme-free.
- Enzyme-free digestion products—Immobilized Pepsin (beaded agarose resin) provides for control of the digestion reaction and complete removal of resulting antibody fragments from the proteolytic enzyme- Suitable for human and other species of IgG—the kit procedure is optimized for human, rabbit and mouse IgG. Pepsin-based digestion is effective for other species and subclasses of IgG, although the purification step requires that the antibody effectively binds to ProteinA. (Note: for best results with mouse IgG1, use Part No. 44980.)- Complete—kits include all reagents needed to prepare and purify antibody fragments- Fast—spin format greatly reduces sample processing time- Flexible—protocols are included for multiple species and IgG subclasses, as well as sample size and concentration.- Efficient—enhanced yield and sample purity

Digestion and purification scheme for preparing F(ab')2 fragments from IgG antibodies

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