N-PER Neuronal Protein Extraction Reagent / N-PER神经元蛋白质提取试剂

admin 2024-10-17 12

N-PER Neuronal Protein Extraction Reagent / N-PER神经元蛋白质提取试剂


规格:100 mL



品牌:Thermo Fisher

Thermo Scientific N-PER Neuronal Protein Extraction Reagent is a proprietary cell lysis reagent optimized for efficient extraction of proteins from all cellular compartments of neuronal tissue and primary cultured neurons.Neuron cell lysates, such as brain tissue extracts, that are prepared using the N-PER Reagent are suitable for enzymatic activity assays (e.g., phosphatase, kinase, ATPase assays), immunoassays (e.g., Western blots, ELISAs, RIAs) and protein purification. The N-PER Lysis Reagent enables protein extraction to be completed in less than 30 minutes and requires mechanical disruption of tissue (e.g., Dounce Homogenization, Polytron). Typical neuronal protein yields are 70-90 µg of protein per mg of brain tissue or 300 µg of total protein from 106 primary neuronal cells.The mild formulation of the N-PER Cell Lysis Reagent is ideal for downstream applications requiring active neuronal proteins. In addition, the N-PER Reagent is compatible with many applications including enzyme assays (e.g., phosphatase, kinase), immunoassays, various chromatography procedures and electrophoresis. Thermo Scientific Halt Protease Inhibitor Cocktail or Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail can be added just before use to prevent proteolysis or to offer additional protection from the high phosphatase activity normally present in brain tissue.For each extraction, a ratio of 1g of tissue to 10 mL of N-PER Reagent or 0.5-1 mL N-PER Reagent per 10 cm petri dish of primary cultured cells is recommended.
• Optimized—efficient total protein extraction, including membrane proteins, from brain tissue or primary cultured neurons• Gentle—preserves protein function without compromising yield• Versatile—can be supplemented with protease inhibitors, reducing or chelating agents or required cofactors• Compatible—extracts are suitable for use with total protein, enzymatic and immunological assays and protein purification methods
• Isolate functional proteins from neuronal tissues or primary neuronal cells• Study enzymatic activity assays specific to neuronal tissue• Generate lysates from neuronal tissues for biomarker analysis
Better extraction of specific neuronal proteinsThermo Scientific N-PER Reagent provided more consistent protein extraction of neuron-specific proteins than other lysis reagents tested. Yields with N-PER Reagent were greater for membrane-bound associated neuronal proteins (NMDAR2B, AMPA, PSD-95, synaptophysin, flotillin-1). N-PER Reagent also performed well for cytoplasmic proteins (tyrosine hydroxylase, MAPK). Interestingly, the reagent was less effective for the astrocyte-specific (i.e., non-neuronal) protein GFAP.

Significantly higher yield of total neuronal proteins from mouse brain tissueHomogenization of mouse brain neuronal tissue in Thermo Scientific N-PER Reagent resulted in greater overall protein yield than in our standard T-PER Tissue Protein Extraction Reagent and two varieties of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS).

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