Phospho-STAT5 (Tyr694) Monoclonal Antibody (SRBCZX), APC

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Phospho-STAT5 (Tyr694) Monoclonal Antibody (SRBCZX), APC


规格:25 Tests,100 Tests






抗体亚型:IgG1, kappa


类型:单抗同型对照:Mouse IgG1 kappa Isotype Control (P3., APC
浓度:5 µL/Test用法:5 µL (0.25 µg)/test(Flow)
产品详细信息Description: This SRBCZX monoclonal antibody recognizes signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (STAT5) when phosphorylated on tyrosine 694. STAT proteins are activated by ligand binding to receptors, such as cytokine receptors, that associate with Janus kinase (JAK) family members. Following their phosphorylation by JAKs, STAT proteins translocate to the nucleus where they bind to DNA and regulate transcription of specific genes in a cell type- and cytokine-specific manner. In response to cytokines that signal through the common gamma chain such as IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15, STAT5 is phosphorylated on tyrosine 694 by JAK1 and JAK3. Cytokines such as IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF that signal via the common beta chain induce STAT5 phosphorylation on tyrosine 694 by JAK 2. Phosphorylation of STAT5 on tyrosine 694 is essential for STAT5 dimer formation, nuclear translocation, and DNA binding activity.Specificity of this SRBCZX clone was determined by ELISA and flow cytometry.Applications Reported: This SRBCZX antibody has been reported for use in intracellular staining followed by flow cytometric analysis.Applications Tested: This SRBCZX antibody has been pre-titrated and tested by intracellular staining followed by flow cytometric analysis of stimulated normal peripheral blood cells. This can be used at 5 µL (0.25 µg) per test. A test is defined as the amount (µg) of antibody that will stain a cell sample in a final volume of 100 µL. Cell number should be determined empirically but can range from 10^5 to 10^8 cells/test.Staining Protocol: We recommend using Protocol C: Two-step protocol: Fixation/Methanol. Protocol A: Two-step protocol: intracellular (cytoplasmic) proteins and Protocol B: One-step protocol: intracellular (nuclear) proteins cannot be used. All Protocols can be found in the Flow Cytometry Protocols: "Staining Intracellular Antigens for Flow Cytometry Protocol" located in the Best Protocols Section under the Resources tab online.Excitation: 633-647 nm; Emission: 660 nm; Laser: Red Laser.Filtration: 0.2 µm post-manufacturing filtered.靶标信息STAT5 alpha is a member of the STAT family of transcription factors. In response to cytokines and growth factors, STAT family members are phosphorylated by the receptor associated kinases, and then form homo- or heterodimers that translocate to the cell nucleus where they act as transcription activators. STAT5 alpha is activated by, and mediates the responses of many cell ligands, such as IL2, IL3, IL7 GM-CSF, erythropoietin, thrombopoietin, and different growth hormones. Activation of STAT5 alpha in myeloma and lymphoma associated with a TEL/JAK2 gene fusion is independent of cell stimulus and has been shown to be essential for the tumorigenesis. The mouse counterpart of STAT5 alpha is found to induce the expression of BCL2L1/BCL-X(L), which suggests the antiapoptotic function of this protein in cells. STAT5 alpha, along with STAT5 beta, were identified in mouse. The amino acid sequences of STAT5 alpha and STAT5 beta show 96% sequence similarity, and both proteins are co expressed in most tissues in virgin and lactating mice. However, differential accumulation of STAT5 alpha and STAT5 beta mRNA has been reported for both muscle and mammary tissue. STAT5 alpha is critically involved in a variety of physiological functions, including reproduction, lactation, immune function and somatic growth.
Phospho-STAT5 (Tyr694) Antibody (17-9010-42) in FlowTOP: Intracellular staining of untreated (left) or 15-minute IL-2-treated (right) mouse splenocytes with Anti-Mouse CD304 (Neuropilin-1) PerCP-eFluor® 710 (Product # 46-3041-82) and Anti-Human/Mouse phospho-STAT5 (Y694) APC. CD4+ cells in the lymphocyte gate were used for analysis. BOTTOM: Intracellular staining of untreated (orange histogram) or 15-minute IL-2-treated (purple histogram) mouse splenocytes with Anti-Human/Mouse phospho-STAT5 (Y694) APC. CD4+CD304+ cells in the lymphocyte gate were used for analysis. In both panels, cells were stained using the Fixation/Methanol protocol.

1.OncoimmunologyIdentification of inhibitors of myeloid-derived suppressor cells activity through phenotypic chemical screening."17-9010 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to develop a system based on immortalised progenitors that allows straightforward investigation of myeloid cells, and the identification of drugs targeting myeloid cells with immunosuppressive activities."AuthorsSchröder M,Loos S,Naumann SK,Bachran C,Krötschel M,Umansky V,Helming L,Swee LK2.Cell reportsDifferential Roles of IL-2 Signaling in Developing versus Mature Tregs."17-9010 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the differential roles of IL-2 signalling in developing versus mature regulatory T cells."AuthorsFan MY,Low JS,Tanimine N,Finn KK,Priyadharshini B,Germana SK,Kaech SM,Turka LA3.eLifeReceptor-mediated dimerization of JAK2 FERM domains is required for JAK2 activation."Published figure using Phospho-STAT5 (Tyr694) monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-9010-42) in Flow Cytometry"4.Scientific reportsErythropoietin enhances Kupffer cell number and activity in the challenged liver."Published figure using Phospho-STAT5 (Tyr694) monoclonal antibody (Product # 17-9010-42) in Flow Cytometry"5.Stem cell reportsMurine iPSC-Derived Macrophages as a Tool for Disease Modeling of Hereditary Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis due to Csf2rb Deficiency."17-9010 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to describe a protocol to obtain mature and functional MΦ from healthy as well as disease-specific murine iPSCs."
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