Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose/Pierce抗DYKDDDDK磁性琼脂糖

admin 2024-10-18 10

Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose/Pierce抗DYKDDDDK磁性琼脂糖


规格:1 mL,5 mL



品牌:Thermo Fisher

Thermo Scientific Pierce 抗-DYKDDDDK 磁性琼脂糖是一种从体外蛋白表达系统、细菌、酵母菌和哺乳动物细胞中进行 DYKDDDDK 标签蛋白纯化和免疫沉淀 (IP) 的快速便捷方法。氨基酸序列 DYKDDDDK(通常称为 FLAG)被高亲和力大鼠单克隆抗体(克隆 L5)识别,该抗体与磁石嵌入的琼脂糖核心颗粒共价连接。对于蛋白纯化,将磁性琼脂糖添加到含有 DYKDDDDK 标签蛋白的样品中,其中标签位于 N 或 C 端。然后,将捕获的蛋白与上清液磁性分离,洗去非特异性结合蛋白,然后用洗脱缓冲液分离结合的 DYKDDDDK 标签蛋白。使用磁力架或 KingFisher Flex 磁粒子处理器等仪器从溶液中去除磁性琼脂糖。自动仪器对于更高通量的纯化和筛选纯化条件特别有用。特点包括:特异性—独特的碱基-微珠和高特异性抗体可较大限度地减少脱靶结合(低非特异性结合)高纯度—优化的结合-洗涤-洗脱方案可以实现高纯度高得率—特殊抗体偶联方法可实现高得率快速—整纯化方案通常只需不到 40 分钟经济—纯化方案能够多次重复使用通用—微珠兼容手动和自动化工作流程(例如 KingFisher 仪器)Pierce 抗-DYKDDDDK 磁性琼脂糖的特性:组成:抗-DYKDDDDK 抗体与磁性、高度交联的琼脂糖支持物共价连接磁化:亚铁磁性,剩磁较低微珠大小:10–40 µm微珠浓度:25% 浆液(溶于磷酸盐缓冲盐水、0.01% Tween- 20 去污剂、0.02% 叠氮化钠,pH 值 7.2)结合能力:≥3.2 mg DYKDDDDK-tGFP-His 蛋白 (∼32 kDa)/mL 沉淀微珠
- 特异性—独特的碱基-微珠和高特异性抗体可较大限度地减少脱靶结合(低非特异性结合)- 高纯度—优化的结合-洗涤-洗脱方案可以实现高纯度- 高得率—特殊抗体偶联方法可实现高得率- 快速—整纯化方案通常只需不到 40 分钟- 经济—纯化方案能够多次重复使用- 通用—微珠兼容手动和自动化工作流程(例如 KingFisher 仪器)

Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose features and benefits

Efficient purification of DYKDDDDK-tagged green renilla luciferaseC-terminal DYKDDDDK-tagged green renilla luciferase protein was expressed in a HeLa IVT system (Cat. No. 88892) and immunoprecipitated using Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose or Sigma Anti-FLAG™ M2 Magnetic Beads using the KingFisher Flex Purification System. Tagged proteins were competitively eluted with 3X DYKDDDDK peptide and analyzed by western blot (A), silver stain (B), and Pierce Renilla Luciferase Glow Assay (C). Comparison of the starting lysate, elutions, and bead boiled samples show effective capture and elution of DYKDDDDK-tagged proteins with no background. Correlation of protein and activity levels indicate that a high level of green renilla luciferase activity is maintained after purification and competitive peptide elution.

Efficient capture of DYKDDDDK-tagged GFP from A549 lysates25 ng of N-terminal DYKDDDDK-tagged GFP protein was spiked into A549 lysate and captured using Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose or Sigma Anti-FLAG™ M2 Magnetic Beads using the KingFisher Flex Purification System. Tagged proteins were eluted with IgG Elution Buffer and analyzed by western blot. Blots were imaged on the myECL Imager. Comparison of the starting lysate, elutions, and bead-boiled samples show effective capture and elution of DYKDDDDK-tagged proteins.

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