Chemiluminescent Nucleic Acid Detection Module Kit
规格:10 blots
品牌:Thermo Fisher
Thermo Scientific Pierce化学发光核酸检测模块是检测生物素标记核酸探针的完整系统,适用于多种膜印迹实验。Thermo Scientific Pierce化学发光核酸检测模块可用于几乎所有基于硝化纤维膜或尼龙膜和生物素标记探针的DNA或RNA检测,灵敏度与传统的放射性标记(32P)系统相当。该模块含有Thermo Scientific North2South试剂盒及Thermo Scientific LightShift EMSA试剂盒中的关键检测组分,包括用于辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)检测的增强型鲁米诺底物,以及经过优化的封闭液和清洗缓冲液。通过胶片或CCD成像系统快速可靠地进行检测,即可获取可用于发表论文的印迹图像,信号极佳且背景很低。 |
特点 |
•快速灵敏—具有与Thermo Scientific North2South及LightShift试剂盒相同的检测速度和检测极限•通用型—随附的试剂盒实验方案适用于所有基于生物素的核酸检测系统:Northerns、Southerns、EMSA, RPA及菌落转移•灵活—对于生物素标记探针,试剂盒中包含关键的基础检测组分以及优化杂交方案 |
数据 |
Northern blot analysis of mouse total RNA using the Chemiluminescent Nucleic Acid Detection ModuleTotal RNA samples (1µg) prepared from the indicated tissues were electrophoresed on a denaturing 1% agarose gel, transferred to Biodyne B Positive Nylon, UV crosslinked and hybridized with a biotinylated c-myc/exon 3 RNA probe (4ng/mL). Exposure time to film was 1 minute. |
技术参数 组成成分 Sufficient For: 800 cm2 of membrane (10 mini-gel blots)• Stabilized Streptavidin-HRP, 1.5 mL• Luminol/Enhancer Solution, 80 mL• Stable Peroxide Solution, 80 mL• Blocking Buffer (Part No. 89880A), 500 mL• Wash Buffer (4X), 500 mL• Substrate Equilibration Buffer, 500 mL
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