1. Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLSDefective germinal center B-cell response and reduced arthritic pathology in microRNA-29a-deficient mice."13599382 was used in flow cytometry to evaluate miR-29a in B cells as a potential therapeutic target in arthritis"Authorsvan Nieuwenhuijze A,Dooley J,Humblet-Baron S,Sreenivasan J,Koenders M,Schlenner SM,Linterman M,Liston AYear20172. Nature communicationsIgD attenuates the IgM-induced anergy response in transitional and mature B cells."13-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to define the RNA landscape of the in vivo anergy response, comprising 220 induced sequences including a core set of 97."AuthorsSabouri Z,Perotti S,Spierings E,Humburg P,Yabas M,Bergmann H,Horikawa K,Roots C,Lambe S,Young C,Andrews TD,Field M,Enders A,Reed JH,Goodnow CCYear2016SpeciesMouseDilution1:1003. PloS oneImmature B Cell Egress from Bone Marrow Is SOCS3 Independent."13-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the role of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) in mediating immature B cell egress from the bone marrow, and other biological processes controlled by CXCR4 signalling."AuthorsNadrah K,Beck TC,Pereira JP4. Journal of virologyUse of a virus-encoded enzymatic marker reveals that a stable fraction of memory B cells expresses latency-associated nuclear antigen throughout chronic gammaherpesvirus infection."13-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the expression of LANA/EBNA-1 in individual B-cell subsets through the course of chronic gammaherpesvirus infection, showing that a stable fraction of memory B cells expresses LANA."AuthorsNealy MS,Coleman CB,Li H,Tibbetts SAYear2010SpeciesMouse5. The Journal of experimental medicineChromosomal position of a VH gene segment determines its activation and inactivation as a substrate for V(D)J recombination."13-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the importance of the chromosomal positioning of a VH gene segment in determining its activation and inactivation as a substrate for V(D)J recombination."AuthorsBates JG,Cado D,Nolla H,Schlissel MS |