图1 Human ESCs maintain expression of self-renewal factorsHuman embryonic stem cells (ESCs) were grown under feeder-free conditions using Essential 8™ Medium (Cat. No. A15170) for 20 passages in wells coated with rhLaminin-521 (A29248). The cells were stained for pluripotency markers using the PSC 4-Marker ICC Kit (A24881).图2. Human ESCs maintain expression of self-renewal factorsHuman embryonic stem cells (ESCs) were grown under feeder-free conditions using Essential 8 Medium (Cat. No. A15170) for 20 passages in wells coated with rhLaminin-521 (A29248). The cells were stained for pluripotency markers using the PSC 4-Marker ICC Kit (A24881).图3. iPSC imaged on EVOS M5000 microscopeGibco Human Episomal iPSC line (A18945) was cultured in Essential 8 Medium (A1517001) on Vitronectin (VTN-N) Recombinant Human Protein (A31804) and rhLaminin-521 (A29248). Images were captured on the EVOS M5000 microscope (AMF5000) using a 4X fluorite phase objective (AMEP4980).