Rat anti Mouse Ly-6C:StarBright Violet 515

admin 2024-10-21 13

Rat anti Mouse Ly-6C:StarBright Violet 515


规格:100 Tests/0.5ml









荧光染料:StarBright Violet 515







5.0 µL/test(Flow)


Balb/c macrophage precursor cell hybrids.

Rat anti Mouse Ly-6C antibody, clone ER-MP20recognizes murine Ly-6C, a 131 amino acid ~14 kDa differentiation antigen, expressed on macrophage/dendritic cell precursors in mid-stage development (late CFU-M, monoblasts and immature monocytes), granulocytes, and on a wide range of endothelial cells and subpopulations of B- and T-lymphocytes.Rat anti Mouse Ly-6C antibody, clone ER-MP20 is able to distinguish multiple mouse blood monocyte subsets: immature Ly-6Chimonocytes are recruited to acute peripheral inflammation and develop into Ly-6C+exudate macrophages, whereas more mature Ly-6C-/lomonocytes are precursors for tissue macrophages and dendritic cells in steady state.Rat anti Mouse Ly-6C, clone ER-MP20 can be used in conjunction with cloneER-MP12in two colour flow cytometric analysis, to identify different stages of myeloid progenitor cells in mouse bone marrow (Leenenet al.1990).Rat anti Mouse Ly-6C was originally described as recognizing a protein encoded by the LY6C gene. It has subsequently become apparent that the LY6C locus demonstrates polymorphism and the LY6C gene has been re-designatedLY6C2. TheLY6C1gene encodes a similar protein with ~95% sequence homology to LY6C2.


Figure A. Alexa Fluor 488 conjugated Rat anti Mouse CD3 (MCA500A488). Figure B. Alexa Fluor 488 conjugated Rat anti Mouse CD3 (MCA500A488) and SBV515 conjugated Rat anti Mouse Ly6C (MCA2389SBV515). All experiments performed on red cell lysed mouse blood gated on live single cell lymphocytes, in the presence of 10% mouse serum. Data acquired on theZE5 Cell Analyzer.


Mouse Seroblock FcR


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