ScienCell 造血细胞培养基EenGM5501

admin 2024-09-16 23

5501 ScienCell造血细胞培养基EenGM,HematoGro Medium

ScienCell 研究实验室(ScienCell)是一家生物技术公司,其使命是实验和治疗用细胞和细胞相关产品的研究和发展。 ScienCell为研究界提供各种高质量的正常的人类和动物细胞,细胞培养基和试剂,培养基添加因子,细胞来源的RNA,cDNA和蛋白质。ScienCell的科学家们以改善生活质量,实现细胞的能力,打击人类退化性疾病为目的研究和开发各种细胞治疗策略。ScienCell总部设在美国加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥,公司成立于1999年。


5501 ScienCell造血细胞培养基EenGM,HematoGro Medium,产品简介:



产品名称:5501 ScienCell造血细胞培养基EenGM,HematoGro Medium


5501 ScienCell造血细胞培养基EenGM,HematoGro Medium,产品说明:


HematoGro Medium (HemGM), when used with HematoGro Supplement (HemGS, Cat #5552) is a complete medium designed for short-term maintenance of hematopoietic cells in vitro, including bone marrow mononuclear and peripheral blood cells. It is a sterile, liquid medium which contains essential and non-essential amino acids, vitamins, hormones, organic and inorganic compounds and bovine serum albumin. The medium is HEPES and bicarbonate buffered and has a pH of 7.4 when equilibrated in an incubator with an atmosphere of 5% CO2/95% air. This medium does not contain serum, growth factors or cytokines. Supplementation with additional factors may be used to support the proliferation or differentiation of select cell subpopulations.


ScienCell 1001 内皮细胞培养基 Endothelial Cell Medium

ScienCell 1001-GF 内皮细胞培养基-不含葡萄糖(ECM-GF)Endothelial Cell Medium – No Glucose

ScienCell 1001-NG Endothelial Cell Medium – No Glutamine 内皮细胞培养基-不含谷胺酰氨ECM-NG

ScienCell 1001-prf Endothelial Cell Medium-Phenol Red Free无酚红内皮细胞培养基

ScienCell 1021 Endothelial Cell Medium-rat内皮细胞培养基-大鼠

ScienCell 1101 平滑肌细胞培养基,Smooth Muscle Cell Medium

ScienCell 1111 平滑肌细胞无血清培养基SMCM-sf,Smooth Muscle Cell Medium-serum free

ScienCell 1201 周边细胞培养基PM ScienCell Pericyte Medium

ScienCell 1231 周细胞培养基-小鼠PM-m,Pericyte Medium-mouse

ScienCell 1401 脑膜细胞培养基Meningeal Cell Medium

ScienCell 1511 Neural Precursor Cell Differentition Medium,神经前体细胞无血清培养基NPCDM

ScienCell 1521 Neuronal Medium神经元培养基NM

ScienCell 1531 Neural Precursor Cell Differentiation Medium神经前体细胞的分化培养基NPCDM

ScienCell 1601 Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Medium少突胶质前体细胞培养基OPCM

ScienCell 1611 Oligosphere Medium球状少突细胞培养基OsM

ScienCell 1621 少突胶质细胞培养基OM, Oligodendrocyte Medium

ScienCell 1631 Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Differentiation Medium,少突胶质前体细胞分化培养基OPCDM

ScienCell 1701 雪旺细胞培养基SCM Schwann Cell Medium

ScienCell 1801 星形胶质细胞培养基 AM Astrocyte Medium

ScienCell 1811 Astrocyte conditioned Medium 星形胶质细胞条件培养基ACM

ScienCell 1811-sf 星形胶质细胞培养基-无血清ACM-sf Astrocyte Conditioned Medium-Serum Free

ScienCell 1831 动物星形胶质细胞培养基AM-a Astrocyte Medium-animal

ScienCell 1901 小胶质细胞培养基MM Microglia Medium

ScienCell 1921 Macrophage Medium,巨噬细胞培养基MaM

ScienCell 2101 Kerotinocyte Medium,角质细胞培养基KM

ScienCell 2111 Keratinocyte Medium-defined,角质细胞培养基(确定成分)KM-d

ScienCell 2121 角质细胞培养基-无动物成分,Keratinocyte Medium-animal component free

ScienCell 2201 黑色素细胞培养基MelM,Melanocyte Medium

ScienCell 2211 黑色素细胞培养基-2 MelM-2,Melanocyte Medium-TPA free

ScienCell 2301 成纤维细胞培养基FM,Fibroblast Medium

ScienCell 2311 成纤维细胞无血清培养基M-sf,Fibroblast Medium-serum free

ScienCell 2321 无动物成分成纤维细胞培养基,Fibroblast Medium-animal component free

ScienCell 2331 成纤维细胞培养基-2,Fibroblast Medium-2

ScienCell 2561 扁桃体上皮细胞培养基TEpiCM,Tonsil Epithelial Cell Medium

ScienCell 2611 ScienCell 口腔角质细胞培养基OKM, Oral Keratinocyte Medium

ScienCell 2951 结肠上皮细胞培养基CoEpiCM, Colonic Epithelial Cell Medium

ScienCell 3201 肺泡上皮细胞培养基AEpiCM, Alveolar Epithelial Cell Medium

ScienCell 3211 支气管上皮细胞培养基BEpiCM, Bronchial Epithelial Cell Medium

ScienCell 3231 气道上皮细胞培养基SAEpiCM, Small Airway Epithelial Cell Medium

ScienCell 3501 骨骼肌细胞培养基SkMCM, Skeletal Muscle Cell Medium

il Epithelial Cell Medium

ScienCell 2611 ScienCell 口腔角质细胞培养基OKM, Oral Keratinocyte Medium

ScienCell 2951 结肠上皮细胞培养基CoEpiCM, Colonic Epithelial Cell Medium

ScienCell 3201 肺泡上皮细胞培养基AEpiCM, Alveolar Epithelial Cell Medium

ScienCell 3211 支气管上皮细胞培养基BEpiCM, Bronchial Epithelial Cell Medium

ScienCell 3231 气道上皮细胞培养基SAEpiCM, Small Airway Epithelial Cell Medium

ScienCell 3501 骨骼肌细胞培养基SkMCM, Skeletal Muscle Cell Medium

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