Novex™ Zymogram Developing Buffer (10X)

admin 2024-10-18 29

Novex™ Zymogram Developing Buffer (10X)


规格:500 mL



品牌:Thermo Fisher

Novex® Zymogram Gels are excellent tools for detecting and characterizing proteases that utilize casein or gelatin as a substrate. Proteases are run on a gel containing one of these substrates under denaturing conditions and visualized as clear bands against a dark background following a simple renaturing, developing, and staining protocol. Zymogram gels are commonly used to detect matrix metalloproteinases.Formulation: All Novex® Zymogram Gels are Tris-Glycine gels with a substrate (gelatin or casein) incorporated into the gel. They are made with high-purity, strictly quality-controlled reagents: Tris base, HCl, acrylamide, bisacrylamide, TEMED, APS, highly purified water and casein or gelatin as the substrate. All have a 4% stacking gel.Zymogram Gel Types: The 10% Zymogram (Gelatin) Gel is a 10% Tris-Glycine gel with 0.1% gelatin as the substrate. The 12% Novex® Zymogram (Casein) Gel is a 12% Tris-Glycine gel with 0.05% casein as the substrate. The 4-16% Novex® Zymogram (Blue Casein) Gel is a 4-16% Novex® Tris-Glycine gel with 0.1% casein as the substrate and a proprietary dye incorporated throughout the gel.Sensitivity Level:10% Zymogram Gelatin Gel: 5 x 10-6 units of collagenase12% Zymogram Casein Gel: 7 x 10-4 units of trypsin4-16% Zymogram Casein Gel: 1.5 x 10-3 units of trypsinRecommended Buffers: Use Novex® Tris-Glycine SDS Sample Buffer and Novex® Tris-Glycine SDS Running Buffer with these gels. Novex® Zymogram Renaturing and Developing Buffers are also recommended.
Store at room temperature

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