NoLimits 2000 bp DNA Fragment /2000 bp DNA 片段标准品
规格:10 µg
品牌:Thermo Fisher
Thermo Scientific NoLimits is a collection of 36 highly-purified individual DNA fragments ranging from 10 to 20,000 bp. Unlike other vendors, where custom standards are produced by PCR, Thermo Scientific NoLimits DNA fragments are produced using specifically designed plasmids purified by patented technology.Plasmid DNA, digested withThermo Scientific Restriction Enzymes, is chromatography-purified to prepare the individual DNA fragments from the digestion mixture. The results are extremely pure DNA fragments, free of any truncated or degraded molecules. These custom DNA fragments are the best custom standards for applications ranging from electrophoresis (both gel and capillary) to HPLC and beyond. |
优点: |
• Broad range: 10-20,000 bp• Sharp peaks during capillary electrophoresis, sharp bands during gel electrophoresis• Precise DNA concentration• Chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments |
数据 |
图1.NoLimits DNA fragments from 300bp to 10kb1.1% TopVision LE GQ Agarose,1X TAE, 7 V/cm, 30 min.NoLimits DNA fragments from 300bp to 10kb |
组成成分: |
▪NoLimits 2000 bp DNA Fragment |
相关产品: |
▪NoLimits 15 bp DNA Fragment /15 bp DNA 片段标准品(货号#SM1381)▪NoLimits 10 bp DNA Fragment/10 bp DNA 片段标准品(货号#SM1391)▪NoLimits 20 bp DNA Fragment/20 bp DNA 片段标准品(货号#SM1401)▪NoLimits 35 bp DNA Fragment /35 bp DNA 片段标准品(货号#SM1411)▪NoLimits50bp DNA Fragment /50bp DNA片段标准品(货号#SM1421)▪NoLimits75bp DNA Fragment /75bp DNA片段标准品(货号#SM1431)▪NoLimits 100 bp DNA Fragment /100 bp DNA 片段标准品(货号#SM1441)▪NoLimits 250 bp DNA Fragment/ 250 bp DNA 片段标准品(货号#SM1451)▪DNA 片段标准品▪DNA ladder |
技术参数 产品应用 • Gel electrophoresis
• Capillary electrophoresis
• DNA quantification
• HPLC analysis
• Applications where a custom DNA size standard is required.
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