Easy-Titer Rabbit IgG Assay Kit
规格:96 tests
品牌:Thermo Fisher
The Thermo Scientific Easy-Titer Rabbit IgG Assay Kit includes antibody-sensitized microspheres to measure the specific concentration of antibodies by an easy and rapid microagglutination technique using standard microplates and UV-Vis plate reader (spectrophotometer). This kit is specific for rabbit IgG and, unlike total protein assays, can specifically measure the concentration of target antibody in samples (e.g., serum, plasma, culture supernatant) that contain other proteins. It is sensitive, requiring very small sample volumes. Antibody concentration is determined from the assay response (absorbance) by comparison to a standard curve prepared using dilutions of a known antibody sample (sold separately).Easy-Titer Assay Kits detect and measure specific target antibodies using agglutination of microspheres that are coated ('sensitized') with the specific anti-IgG or IgM polyclonal antibodies. In the appropriate aqueous buffer (supplied in kit), the monodispersed antibody-coated microspheres (> 1 µM diameter) have highest absorptivity (λ-max) to incident light having a wavelength (340nm) that is equal to approximately half their diameter. When sample is added, two or more microspheres bind to each antibody target via their coated specific polyclonal antibodies, and this agglutination into effectively larger apparent spheres results in proportional decrease in absorptivity (lower absorbance).Typical microagglutination assays depend on a change in light-scattering and corresponding change in transmittance, to which absorbance is inversely related. Easy-Titer Assay Kits use a special dilution buffer whose refractive index eliminates the effect of light-scattering on the monodispersed microspheres for the measurement wavelength used. Because of this, the final 10- to 20-fold dilution of the sample for use in the assay must be done using the Dilution Buffer supplied in the kit. |
特点 |
•Antibody-based specificity—measure concentration of target antibody in a sample, not just total protein; no need to purify antibody to assess its concentration•Faster and easier than ELISA—three-component, homogenous assay; 10 minutes total incubation time•No special equipment needed—uses standard vortex mixer, pipetter, 96-well microplate, plate shaker and reader (measure absorbance at 340nm or 400nm)•Sensitive—assay range (standard curve) 8 to 500 ng/mL; use sample at 15 to 300 ng/mL for optimal results•Reproducible—coefficient of variation < 5%; error depends on dilution and pipetting technique•Antibody standards sold separately—see product list for suggested products; use any antibody standard with proper target identity and known concentration (greater than 10 µg/mL)•Kits for five popular targets—choose a kit specific for a particular species and class of immunoglobulin; no cross-reaction with other species and classes of the target antibody |
数据 |
Antibody quantitation by microagglutination assayEasy-Titer Assay Kit results, plotted from 340nm or 405nm absorbance measurements, yield negative-slope standard curves for assessment of diluted samples in the range 8 to 500ng/mL. Microsphere agglutination assayThermo Scientific Easy-Titer Assay Kits use antibody-sensitized microspheres to specifically assay target antibody species based on microagglutination. |
技术参数 组成成分 Sufficient For: 96 total tests (including 9 standards per use)• Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Sensitized Beads, 2mL• Easy-Titer Dilution Buffer, 30 mL• Easy-Titer Blocking Buffer, 15 mLStore at 4°C (do not freeze).
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