anti-human CD34 (4H11) APC


anti-human CD34 (4H11) APC


规格:25 tests,100 tests










抗体类型:单抗同型对照:IgG1, kappa
免疫原性:用法:5uL(0.25 µg)/test(Flow)
Description: The 4H11 monoclonal antibody reacts with human CD34, also known as mucosialin. CD34 belongs to a protein family which also includes endoglycan and podocalyxin. Members of this family are single pass transmembrane proteins with a heavily glycosylated extracellular and N-terminal mucin domain. CD34 was first identified as an antigen expressed on hematopoietic progenitors, and has since been extensively used as a marker to isolate cells capable of hematopoietic cell engraftment. In spite of this, the function of CD34 remains unresolved. In addition to expression on hematopoietic progenitors, CD34 is expressed on some populations of mesenchymal stem cells, tumor cell lines, and by vascular endothelia in the adult. Epitopes of CD34 have been assigned to three classes (class I, II or III) based on their differential sensitivity to enzymatic cleavage by neuraminidase, chymopapain, or O-glycoprotease. According to this analysis, the 4H11 antibody belongs to class III, indicating that it reacts with a protein epitope.Applications Reported: This 4H11 antibody has been reported for use in flow cytometric analysis.Applications Tested: This 4H11 (APG) antibody has been pre-titrated and tested by flow cytometric analysis of normal human peripheral blood cells. This can be used at 5 µL (0.25 µg) per test. A test is defined as the amount (µg) of antibody that will stain a cell sample in a final volume of 100 µL. Cell number should be determined empirically but can range from 10^5 to 10^8 cells/test.Excitation: 633-647 nm; Emission: 660 nm; Laser: Red Laser.Filtration: 0.2 µm post-manufacturing filtered.

CD34 Antibody (17-0349-41) in FlowStaining of normal human peripheral blood cells with Anti-Human CD45 FITC (Product # 11-0459-42) and Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control APC (Product # 17-4714-81) (left) or Anti-Human CD34 APC (right). Cells in the lymphocyte gate were used for analysis.
1.NPJ Regenerative medicineCRISPR/Cas9-based genetic correction for recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa."17-0349 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to showcase the therapeutic potential of gene-editing coupled with stem cell technology for the treatment of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa."Authors Webber BR,Osborn MJ,McElroy AN,Twaroski K,Lonetree CL,DeFeo AP,Xia L,Eide C,Lees CJ,McElmurry RT,Riddle MJ,Kim CJ,Patel DD,Blazar BR,Tolar J2.Stem cell reportsHuman Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Macrophages Share Ontogeny with MYB-Independent Tissue-Resident Macrophages."17034942 was used in flow cytometry to use CRISPR-Cas9 to study human hematopoietic development"Authors Buchrieser J,James W,Moore MD3.HaematologicaPharmacological targeting of β-catenin in normal karyotype acute myeloid leukemia blasts."17-0349 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to suggest a potential clinical benefit for WNT suppression."Authors Griffiths EA,Golding MC,Srivastava P,Povinelli BJ,James SR,Ford LA,Wetzler M,Wang ES,Nemeth MJ4.American journal of translational researchOncogenic NRAS hyper-activates multiple pathways in human cord blood stem/progenitor cells and promotes myelomonocytic proliferation in vivo."17-0349 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to evaluate the effects of the NRASG12D mutation on human haematopoiesis and leukaemogenesis in vitro and in vivo."Authors Wang T,Li C,Xia C,Dong Y,Yang D,Geng Y,Cai J,Zhang J,Zhang X,Wang J5.Stem cells translational medicineComparison of human adipose-derived stem cells isolated from subcutaneous, omental, and intrathoracic adipose tissue depots for regenerative applications."17-0349 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to determine that depot selection is an important factor to consider when applying ASCs in tissue-specific cell-based regenerative therapies."Authors Russo V,Yu C,Belliveau P,Hamilton A,Flynn LE


产品应用 Flow;MISC;FN

细胞类型 HSC

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