1. Frontiers in neuroanatomyAdeno-Associated Viral Vectors Serotype 8 for Cell-Specific Delivery of Therapeutic Genes in the Central Nervous System."A21070 was used in immunohistochemistry - frozen section to generate AAV vectors designed for specific expression in cells of the CNS using minimal promoters to drive gene expression"AuthorsPignataro D,Sucunza D,Vanrell L,Lopez-Franco E,Dopeso-Reyes IG,Vales A,Hommel M,Rico AJ,Lanciego JL,Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza G2. BMC biologyTranscriptome analysis of pancreatic cells across distant species highlights novel important regulator genes."A21070 was used in immunohistochemistry to elucidate the differences of pancreatic cell transcriptomes across distant vertebrate species"AuthorsTarifeño-Saldivia E,Lavergne A,Bernard A,Padamata K,Bergemann D,Voz ML,Manfroid I,Peers B3. Scientific reportsElevated-temperature-induced acceleration of PACT clearing process of mouse brain tissue."A21070 was used in immunohistochemistry to systematically and quantitatively determine the influence of temperature on the passive clarity technique"AuthorsYu T,Qi Y,Zhu J,Xu J,Gong H,Luo Q,Zhu D4. Molecular metabolismCannabinoid type 1 receptor-containing axons innervate NPY/AgRP neurons in the mouse arcuate nucleus."A21070 was used in immunohistochemistry to determine the morphological substrate for cannabinoid-conducted feeding behavior via retrograde dis-inhibition of hunger-promoting Agouti-related protein and neuropeptide Y neurons"AuthorsMorozov YM,Koch M,Rakic P,Horvath TL5. CellReceptor Signaling and Impair α Cell Identity."A21070 was used in immunohistochemistry to identify gephyrin as a druggable target for pancreatic beta cell regeneration"AuthorsLi J,Casteels T,Frogne T,Ingvorsen C,Honoré C,Courtney M,Huber KVM,Schmitner N,Kimmel RA,Romanov RA,Sturtzel C,Lardeau CH,Klughammer J,Farlik M,Sdelci S,Vieira A,Avolio F,Briand F,Baburin I,Májek P,Pauler FM,Penz T,Stukalov A,Gridling M,Parapatics K,Barbieux C,Berishvili E,Spittler A,Colinge J,Bennett KL,Hering S,Sulpice T,Bock C,Distel M,Harkany T,Meyer D,Superti-Furga G,Collombat P,Hecksher-Sørensen J,Kubicek S |