1.Cell stem cellAdipocyte Accumulation in the Bone Marrow during Obesity and Aging Impairs Stem Cell-Based Hematopoietic and Bone Regeneration."12-1401 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to specify the cellular identities of the adipogenic and osteogenic lineages of the bone."Authors Ambrosi TH,Scialdone A,Graja A,Gohlke S,Jank AM,Bocian C,Woelk L,Fan H,Logan DW,Schürmann A,Saraiva LR,Schulz TJ2.Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.)Generation of embryonic stem cells from mouse adipose-tissue derived cells via somatic cell nuclear transfer."12-1401 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrates that ESCs can be generated from the adipose tissue by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) and suggests that ADCs can be a new donor-cell type for potential therapeutic cloning."Authors Qin Y,Qin J,Zhou C,Li J,Gao WQ3.Nature medicineLoss of fibronectin from the aged stem cell niche affects the regenerative capacity of skeletal muscle in mice."12140181 was used in flow cytometry to show that the loss of stem cell adhesion to fibronectin is a mechanism of aging"Authors Lukjanenko L,Jung MJ,Hegde N,Perruisseau-Carrier C,Migliavacca E,Rozo M,Karaz S,Jacot G,Schmidt M,Li L,Metairon S,Raymond F,Lee U,Sizzano F,Wilson DH,Dumont NA,Palini A,Fässler R,Steiner P,Descombes P,Rudnicki MA,Fan CM,von Maltzahn J,Feige JN,Bentzinger CF4.Development (Cambridge, England)ER71 directs mesodermal fate decisions during embryogenesis.View published figure on By clicking the link above, you will be redirected to the Benchsci website. Disclaimer5.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaOlig2+ neuroepithelial motoneuron progenitors are not multipotent stem cells in vivo.Authors Mukouyama YS,Deneen B,Lukaszewicz A,Novitch BG,Wichterle H,Jessell TM,Anderson DJ |