EZ-Link Hydrazide-PEG4-Desthiobiotin, No-Weigh Format/EZ-Link酰肼-PEG4-脱硫生物素,No-Weigh形式

admin 2024-10-18 9

EZ-Link Hydrazide-PEG4-Desthiobiotin, No-Weigh Format/EZ-Link酰肼-PEG4-脱硫生物素,No-Weigh形式


规格:5 x 1 mg



品牌:Thermo Fisher

Thermo Scientific EZ-Link Hydrazide-PEG4-Desthiobiotin is a pegylated, carbonyl-reactive labeling reagent whose biotin-like group is elutable from streptavidin, enabling its use for cell surface glycoprotein labeling and purification.This desthiobiotin variant of biotin is activated to label periodate-oxidized carbohydrates of macromolecules. The hydrazide group conjugates to carbonyls (aldehydes and ketones), such as those created from sialic acid and other sugar components of glycoprotein polysaccharides upon treatment with 1 to 10 mM sodium periodate (NaIO4). The desthiobiotin tag binds to streptavidin and other biotin-binding proteins with high specificity yet readily elutes with mild conditions (i.e., by competitive displacement with regular, free biotin). As such, this reagent is a useful alternative toHydrazide-PEG4-Biotin(Part No. 21360) for avidin-biotin techniques in which nondenaturing elution of the labeled proteins is desired. The hydrophilic, 4-unitpolyethylene glycol (PEG)spacer arm enhances solubility and reduces aggregation of labeled proteins stored in solution. The PEG segment also adds length and flexibility to the spacer arm, minimizing steric hindrance involved with binding to avidin molecules. The No-Weigh Format (5 x 1 mg resealable vials) eliminates the difficulties associated with weighing small quantities of reagent and maximizes protection of unused reagent from degradation.
•Desthiobiotin—analog of biotin allows easy elution from streptavidin, an ideal feature for affinity purification applications•Glycoprotein labeling—tag glycosylated proteins at sialic acid residues to enable high recovery in pull-down assays with streptavidin beads•Cell surface labeling—tag and isolate cell surface glycoproteins; reagent does not permeate membranes of whole cells•Aldehyde-reactive—reacts with aldehydes formed by periodate-oxidation of sugar groups•Hydrazide-activated—perform reactions at pH 4 to 6 in buffers such as sodium acetate•Pegylated—spacer arm contains a hydrophilic, 4-unit, polyethylene glycol (PEG) group•Enhances solubility—pegylation imparts water solubility to the biotinylated molecule, helping to prevent aggregation of biotinylated antibodies stored in solution

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